Schoolwork... But It's At Home

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"Is it Tangent or Cosine?" You muttered quietly to yourself, currently working on your math homework. Out of the 15 problems you were assigned, 11 of them were done. To no one's surprise, you've only been working for about 5 minutes. Man, focusing on my studies rather than my social life really makes this a breeze!

You decided to take a break and went down to the kitchen to grab a snack. Sneakily grabbing a cookie, along with a bottle of juice, you went back to your room. However, as you made your way back to your room, you ran into the edge lord himself. Literally.

"Hey! Watch where ya going!" Edge yelled angrily at you, as he stood up from his position from the floor. You proceeded to get up yourself, thinking that he wouldn't even try to help you.

"Sorry..." You apologized quietly, not wanting to look at the angry skeleton. Though you couldn't see it, Edge looked surprised that it was you who had ran into him. He had automatically assumed it was Blueberry, due to the small skeleton's overabundance of energy.

"Oh, uh, (Y/N), I'm sorry for, um, snapping at you..." Edge awkwardly said, not used to having to apologize to anyone but his brother. You were kinda shocked to hear his apology, but instead focused on something you deemed more important.

Your juice.

Luckily you hadn't opened it yet, or it would've stained the expensive carpet, which would get Sophie extremely mad at you. Scanning the floor around you, you spotted your bottle underneath a small table, which Edge was standing next to. While you were wondering how you'd be able to successful nab it and sprint away to your room, Edge had followed your gaze. He picked up the bottle and nervously offered it back to you. Not wanting to be rude, and being really thirsty, you took the bottle from him.

"Um... thanks..." You mumbled, still not meeting his eyes. Since you had attained your juice, you considered just quickly running to your room, but decided against it. You didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"You're welcome..." Edge replied, trailing off into an awkward silence. He could sense that you were just as uncomfortable as he was. "So... I thought you was busy doing your homework?"

"Yeah," You confirmed, looking up from the ground, yet still not straight at the menacing skeleton in front of you, "But I was getting a little hungry and decided to get a snack from the kitchen."

As you proceeded to walk towards your room, which was about three hallway lengths away, Edge walked next to you. Instead of leaving him behind like you initially planned, you realized you basically fell into a conversation.

"So... um, what's the subject you was, uh, working on before you ran into me?" Edge asked, unable to think of anything else to talk about. This is 100 times worse than talking to family members about school...

"Geometry, and then I have to start on a science project," You told him, opening up your juice bottle and taking a small sip, savoring its fresh flavor. Apparently you were walking pretty quickly, as you already arrived at your bedroom door. "Since my science partners are barely gonna do anything..."

"Why won't your partners do anything?" Edge asked as he walked into your room, following you. You hopped onto your bed, making sure the juice didn't spill, and looked down at the math homework which you continued to work on.

"Because they're lazy," You answered, finishing up the rest of the Geometry work. You put it in your backpack which was near the edge of the bed, pulling out the science worksheets. "And since I'm nearly at the top of the class, they naturally expect me to do everything. That's why they chose me as a partner anyway."

"Ain't it good to be smart and wanted?" Edge asked, not really understanding your problem. You hated having to explain your dilemmas to others, but you knew this was a special case. Maybe monster schools work differently?

"Yes, but not if others use you because of it," You replied, continuing to complete the various work sheets. Glancing at the top right corner where your science "partners" signed their names, your grip on your pencil tightened. "Knowing that they try to take the easy way out, it just gets me so infuriated and want to STAB their eyes out with my pencil..."

After about a moment of silence, you look away from your work to see Edge staring at you with surprise.


"Geez, I never realized how violent you are," Edge said, continuing to stare at you, which was starting to become uncomfortable, "One second you act all shy and innocent, and the next you're talking about stabbing people."

"Oh, pfft, it's all just talk," You told him, looking back at your work, "I could never actually do it."

"And why not?"

"Prison ain't exactly the best place to spend your time," You said, writing down a hypothesis, followed by a detailed procedure, "Seeing what people do there, I'd rather not even risk the possibility of ending up behind bars."

Taking another sip of your juice, you sat up on your posh bed, you once again directed your attention to the skeleton in your room. You looked at him expectantly, but he didn't get the non-verbal clue. He looked as if he was staring off into space.

"Ahem." You cleared your throat, which thankfully knocked him back into the world of the living. His attention was directed over to you again, and you felt nervous under his, probably unintentional, harsh gaze. You whisked your hands at him, as if you were trying to mentally push him away. "Now, shoo. I've still got lots of work to do."

"Oh... uh, alright," Edge said, slowly making his way over to the door. As he opened it, he gave one last glance at you, then shut the door quietly behind him. One second later, you flopped yourself backwards, now lying comfortably on your back. You gave a relieved sigh with a small smile.

That went... well...

A Skele-Ton of Problems (Papyrus/Sans AUS x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now