Anything But Pleasant

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As you made your way to the kitchen, you couldn't help but instantly read the first few pages of the newest issue of (your favorite manga). You found that walking while reading, especially when the Japanese book was so engaging, wasn't the best idea as you walked into one of the corner tables located in the hallways.

The small force of impact jolted you out back into reality as you rubbed your leg from where the collision had been. Closing your book, and using a small slip of paper as a bookmark, you inspected the table to ensure you didn't damage it in any way, shape, or form. During your inspection, you noticed that the drawer was slightly open. Is there something in there?

Pulling open the drawer, you noticed that a string was attached to the knob. Before you had time to inspect it-


-an explosion of confetti blinded you.

It took you about a second to process what had just happened, and as soon as you did, a smile appeared on your face. Sure, the party popper nearly gave you a heart attack, but it was nice to have any sort of interaction with your friends, since you hadn't talked with any of them ever since they went to Europe.

Pulling the drawer open to its full extent, you saw a nicely folded piece of paper next to the empty party popper. You picked up both, putting the popper into your pocket as you unfolded the note.

Hey (Y/N)!

Why is corn such a good listener?

Because it's all ears!

You couldn't help but giggle at the "corny" joke your cheery friend wrote as you pocketed the note. At the thought of food, you remembered why you were traveling down the hallway, and your mood flipped upside down. Tucking your book under your arm, to ensure you wouldn't try to read more and bump into any more objects, you went full-steam ahead towards the kitchen.


Standing outside the kitchen doors, a scent of cake hit your nose. It smelt pretty good, despite the undertones of burnt food mixed with it. However, the smell of food didn't help to deter your mood, which was anything but pleasant.

"Uh, Blueberry, you in here?" You asked, pushing open the kitchen door and peeking in. It was less smokey than when you last saw Blueberry in the kitchen, allowing you to look around.

"(Y/N)!" Blueberry exclaimed, directing your attention to the right, "You're here!"

He was wearing a slightly over-sized apron, a little dirtied up from a few frosting and chocolate stains. Some of your anger melted away once you saw how adorable he looked, but you still felt a little ticked.

"You're just in time! I just finished!" Blueberry told you, quickly running over to you, almost tripping over the apron.

"Uh, Blueberry-"

"Come on, I think you'll really like it!" Blueberry grabbed your hand, pulling you over to where he was just standing.

"Actually, I-"

"See? I made it look just like the picture!" Blueberry exclaimed, using his other hand to point to the black forest cake he made, which was decorated just like the picture in the cookbook. He let go of your hand, running to where Gaston kept all of his knifes. "Come on, I'll cut you a slice right-"

"BLUEBERRY!" You shouted, making Blueberry pause in his actions, turning to you with a confused and startled expression. "You left me all alone in the library to clean up YOUR mess!"

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