Creator Debater

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It had been about an hour since you had started your mini art project, and you thought that it had actually been going pretty well. About 5 minutes in, you had to pull up a picture of (favorite flower) on your phone, as your memory wasn't the greatest at times, especially when you needed it.

Humming one of your favorite songs, you were prepared to add a splash of (F/C) to your painting, except you noticed a lack of it in the colors available. As you proceeded to search for your wanted paint, you heard Ink in the hallway, coming close to your location. "Hey (Y/N), you here? Dream said he saw you heading this way earlier..."

Noticing how he trailed off, you looked to the doorway where you saw Ink looking around the art room with amazement, like a child in a candy store. You turned away and continued your search, glancing at the artistic skeleton every once in a while. "You just gonna stand there or...?"

"I-I'm sorry, but this is amazing!" Ink said, snapping out his thoughts and directing his attention towards you as he walked in. As you silently questioned if your search was in vain, Ink had made his way towards your painting, stopping to look at it. "Did you make this?"

"Yes," You replied, almost at the verge of giving up your search, deciding to go through one last supply cabinet before just adding (2/F/C) instead. As Ink continued to look at your painting, you pulled the door of the cabinet open, hoping that you would stumble across your beloved (F/C) paint.


You stepped back and blinked as you were covered with colorful streamers, a piece of paper that was taped on the ceiling of the cabinet drifting down to the floor. Bending down, you picked up the paper and proceeded to read it.

Heya (Y/N)!

I guessed you were gonna get bored and end up here sooner or later,

so I knew I had to put a note here.

Here's an art themed joke!

What color combinations are the nicest?

Complementary colors!

Have fun finding the other notes!

You felt someone behind you, and turned to see Ink looking over your shoulder. He had a look of confusion present on his face, and seemed a little jostled from the explosion of the party popper. "What's that?"

"Oh! This?" You asked, pointing towards the note you still held. He gave a small nod, appearing to be more curious than he was literally 5 seconds ago. "This is just a note from a friend. Actually, it's the third one, I think."

Directing your attention back at the note, you noticed some writing that you missed on the back.

P.S. Look on the third shelf.

Looking at the third shelf of the cabinet, you spotted a paint jar holding (F/C) paint. Wait, how did she...

P.S.S Creepy, right?

With that, you checked the note again, finding no more last notes. Sometimes you had to admit that your happy-go-lucky friend was downright creepy, and this was no exception. Eh... well, at least I have my paint!

Putting the note in your pocket, you grabbed the paint jar with both hands, and to your delight, it was lighter than it looked. Turning away from the cabinet, closing the door with your foot, you almost ran into Ink, who you actually forgot was there. "Ah, s-sorry!"

"It's okay," Ink reassured you, letting you pass by. You put the paint next to the other colors on the table, and sat back down on the stool, ready to finish what you started. Picking up your paintbrush, you heard Ink walk up behind you, looking around you at the canvas. "You know, instead of just stroking the brush wildly on the canvas, you should try and let the stokes flow together, in a stream-like fashion. It helps make the subject of the creation look more natural."

Great... he's giving me advice! Let's just hope he doesn't get cocky about his skills...

Despite your dislike for being "corrected" and people trying to help you to "improve", you decided to just make Ink happy, and so followed his, admittedly, vague advice. Dipping your brush into the (F/C) paint, you, instead of doing what you had been doing for the past hour, "let the strokes flow together, in a stream-like fashion". To your surprise, it did make the painting look at least a little better. I really shouldn't be surprised... Ink does carry around paints all the time, not to mention that giant brush...

"See, it looks better already!" Ink exclaimed, his smile looking prouder than usual.

You stopped what you were doing and went over Ink's words carefully in your head. Turning to look at the artistic skeleton, you held an expression of curiosity, along with a small frown. "Does that mean it wasn't any good before?"

At your words, Ink's smile fell, letting you catch a glimpse of his own frown before it was swept away back into a smile, this one more nervous than the previous.

"N-no, that w-wasn't what I meant at a-all," Ink stuttered out, looking more panicked than you've seen him before. As he was having a mini freak-out, stuttering about "not trying to hurt your feelings", you held back the urge to laugh. Out of all the times you've pulled the "It's not good" act on people, Ink was the only one to get this concerned. Others either plainly said "yes" or nervously walked away.

As for yourself, you knew that your art wasn't the greatest, and was just planning on sticking this painting in the closet when you were done. The only reason you painted it was because you were bored.

Deciding to let go of your facade, you let loose a smile and a laugh.

This made Ink pause his mini freak-out and look at you dumbstruck with confusion. It was a moment before he was able to regain his ability to speak. "W-why are you laughing?"

Gasping for breath, you managed to subdue your laughter. "I-I'm sorry, it's just not that big of a deal, man!"


"What I mean is, I know you were just trying to help me," You told him, trying not to laugh again. "You don't have to get so worried."


"And my art is usually trash anyway, so I don't care if anyone says it's bad," You finished, picking up your painting and putting it under one of your arms. Thank the heavens for quick-drying paint...

"Your art isn't trash!" Ink yelled, startling you and nearly making you drop the painting. It was unusual for Ink to get so worked up, at least, to you it was. You only knew him for about 5 days.

"Oh please, you're starting to sound like Mimi," You said, re-adjusting the painting in your arms, in case Ink still decided to yell his, probably, non-existent lungs out.

"Then it looks like Mimi is pretty smart! Your art isn't trash!" Ink repeated, reaching out to you and pulling the painting from your grasp. He held it using one arm, and used the other to point at it. "You put time and effort into this! That makes it good, even if you don't think so. You created this!"

Since you weren't in the mood to be lectured on how "good" your art was, you decided to sneak away. Thankfully, Ink was getting really passionate about whatever he was talking about, which ultimately distracted him and allowed you to sneak out of the room and book it down the hallway.


"-and so, now you should be able to see that your art isn't trash!" Ink finished. He didn't hear a reply, so he looked around the room to see that you weren't there anymore.


A Skele-Ton of Problems (Papyrus/Sans AUS x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now