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"Shit," I said suddenly, making Willow look at me.

She had almost been asleep. So had I, really, until I remembered that the entire fight had most likely been documented and was probably all over the news. 

"What?" She mumbled, tugging on the end of the shirt I was wearing to try to get me to lay back down.

"I have to go to my moms." I said.

"Why?" She asked, closing her eyes. I watched her for a moment, observing the way her eyelashes brushed her cheeks delicately. For someone who claimed to be a villain, she sure looked like an angel.

"She probably saw what happened," I told her, standing up and immediately shivering. "She might think I'm dead or something."

Willow stayed still for a minute, long enough that I decided she had gone back to sleep. I was already making my way to the door, putting my shoes on, when she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Okay. Fine. Let's go." She grumbled, letting her eyes slip closed again as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

I got distracted watching her, taking in how beautiful she looked rising from her bed, smiling softly at me. She pulled her shirt over her head, and my breath got caught in the back of my throat. My brain was telling me to look away, but I wasn't sure if I was capable. She wasn't trying to hide, anyway. 

She picked up a different shirt, sniffed it, and then shrugged into it. I snapped out of my daze when she pulled her hair out from the back of the shirt, tightening the ponytail and smirking at me. 

"Wait," I said, frowning, "What?"

She quirked an eyebrow at me, swiping her phone and a set of keys off of the coffee table. "What?"

"You're coming?" I asked, making her laugh.

I kept my eyes locked on hers as she got closer to me, stopping inches in front of me, still smiling. In some weird patronizing gesture, she set her hands on my shoulders and tilted her head, "You didn't think I'd let you go out there alone, did you? While there's a group of Supers hunting you down? And you're injured?"

Her eyes moved to my mouth as I licked my lips nervously, heart rate spiking simply because she was standing so close to me. 

"Okay." I said, even though it wasn't much of a response. 

She was still staring at my lips, so I took her hands off my shoulders and pulled her closer to me until we were pressed together. Being tucked between Willow and a wall felt weirdly comfortable. 

Probably because it was so familiar.

"You seem a bit distracted for someone who doesn't like kissing." I mumbled, causing her to finally look up and meet my eye. Her cheeks had a slight pink tint to them, but she didn't look embarrassed. 

"You make me question everything." She admitted, letting her forehead drop to my shoulder. I laughed when she groaned softly, but I shut up quite quickly when she turned her face into my neck and began placing kisses there.

My head fell back against the wall behind me, and I let go of Willow's hand to grab bunches of her shirt instead. "Like what?" 

"Everything." She said simply. It was avoidance more than an answer, but I took it.

Her lips trailed over my collarbone, fingers tugging the neck of my shirt down slightly. 

"Willow," I breathed as she nipped at my skin gently.

"Mm," She hummed, nosing along my neck.

"I want to kiss you." I admitted quietly, squeezing my eyes shut at the impending rejection. 

(Old Version) Hopelessly HeroicWhere stories live. Discover now