Chapter 2.- The rabbit hole

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February 09, 2011

She wasn't an easy person to impress, her life through different foster homes and orphanages had shown her a very cruel part of life and the world, her superior intelligence had also contributed to losing her astonishment ability, everything had an explanation, if something didn't work she just had to find the fault and fix it and then it worked again.

She was five years old when she designed and created her first robot, seven years when she repaired a motorcycle engine for the first time, and only twelve when she won her first competition for new technologies for vehicles. All her life she had created objects from practically nothing, scrap transformed it into functional objects; She had found her current motorcycle in the trash, took months to repair it, she looked for spare parts all over the country and even outside it, the result had been beautiful - in her opinion – she was proud of it and until now she considered her most beautiful creation.

However now, his precious bike seemed insignificant before the small human being in front of her. The incubator looked giant for the little baby who habited it; To enter there her first reaction was to check the machine, it's cables, it's connections, the many tubes that are connected here and there and make sure that everything was in order, her mechanical brain had acted by inertia and as always her attention had focused first on the machines, had consciously avoided looking at the little girl. But when her gaze had focused on her, she couldn't push it away, for the first time in a long time she gasped and the perfection of that little being surprised her and she could not believe that that precious baby had been born of her and had since passed and for a couple of hours, she was there standing in front of the incubator, just watching.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" She had not heard the nurse approaching and she was startled, the woman was inches from her and watching her disapprovingly.

"Elizabeth," she answered quickly, she had not thought of a name until a few minutes ago, when the nurse had told him to choose the girl's name. She had looked closely at the rest of the incubators and read the names of the babies and had stopped when she read the name Elizabeth, she liked it and she decided that it would call it, there was no meaning, there was no related memory, only a name she had liked.


It had been three months since Toby's abduction, the cyclone was almost in order again, the news of Happy's marriage had left them all dismayed; the Monday after the news, Sylvester had tried to find information about Happy's marriage, however seconds after the search began, the woman had appeared in front of him, leaned on his desk and told him that if he returned to try, something very ugly would happen to him; The young genius didn't doubt that it would be and stopped trying, he had said it before, Happy frightened him and now more than ever. The group leader had also tried, but this time it wasn't a threat from Happy that stopped him, the discussion that began between them was so loud that Sylvester stayed at his desk while covering his ears and repeated over and over again that he didn't like that. Paige tried to come in to intervene, but Toby stopped her, assuring her that it was best to just leave them, minutes later and fed up with them. Cabe threatened them with his weapon so they would stop arguing. After this discussion the relationship of Happy and Walter had become tense, a person outside Scorpion wouldn't have noticed, but the team was aware of it; after a couple of weeks from that, Paige was willing to impose couples therapy again, but she was afraid of Happy's reaction, afraid of her physical and mental state.

Happy and Toby's relationship had suffered a setback, there were no such small jokes or comments out of place of the psychologist, not with her, had re-boxed and there were days when his face was almost completely swollen, Whole nights working and every day he expected her to take the first step, to come and try to recover the lost, but that did not happen - neither the first, nor the second, nor the third week - after seven weeks he began to lose the hope that it would be so; sometimes he spent hours watching her work, wishing she were as good with her emotions as with her tools. But he didn't give up, he remained firm in his conviction that if she wanted them to be together, she was the one to look for him, fought against her addiction to her as she had struggled with her gambling addiction, and knowing that everything depended on her now was almost 50% sure he would die alone. Days ago she had asked him to help her with some details of the doll house, it was insignificant thing, and as he had thought on another occasion, for her it was only a repair, a job, but for him, it was to be an alcoholic leaning his lips on a bottle of beer , He savored the hope, enjoyed every second that worked side by side and I wish that those twenty minutes were eternal.

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