Chapter 8.-The lord of the flowers

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The meeting between grandfather and granddaughter was very emotional for both of them, Patrick was extremely excited, but all the surprise was standing aside to the sudden energy of the girl, that as soon as she knew who he was, she didn't hesitate to tell, which she liked and didn't like. As she spoke, telling some surprising anecdotes, Alex spoke to tell the truth of how things had gone. The three of them laughed and talked animatedly. The perfect example of happy family. Happy watched them from the doorway, memorizing each of the girl's anecdotes and their reactions. At first she thought to leave the place and leave them alone, but instead she stayed there watching the scene.

Days at the hospital passed quickly and medical discharge also involved a new goodbye, Alex, Carl and Lizzy said goodbye to each other in tears, although minutes later the girl was laughing again, thanks to Toby and Patrick, which eased the tension of the moment. At the request of Toby, supported by Paige, Walter gave Happy two weeks, so that she could stay at home taking care of Lizzy. But it wasn't more than three days when they were back in the garage. Happy left some of her projects aside, to start some new ones with her daughter, they were small things from origamis, constructions with pieces of legos to mini robots with simple circuits; Sometimes Toby, Sly or Ralph, even Cabe, joined to them, Sylvester tried in a couple of times that the leader of Scorpion would join their games, but he always declined the invitation alleging that he had a lot of work behind and that he didn't have time for games. It was obvious to everyone, even to the geniuses, that Walter tried to avoid the girl, like everyone else, he had received her with open arms, but he didn't approach her, nor did she, the girl was open and talkative with everyone, but with the genius she didn't cross more than a few words. Although all of them noticed, no one said anything about it, not even Toby, who had his hypothesis about it, but he hadn't talked about it.

After a couple of careful and not legal investigations, Happy had finally chosen a school for Lizzy. The school was conveniently in a short distance from Ralph's school and near her father's workshop, who had

offered voluntarily to take both children from school and take them to the garage in the case that this was necessary.

Happy had agreed with Walter that Lizzy would stay in the garage after school for at least two months, then start looking for a nanny, but that would take time, since she couldn't get anyone into her apartment, much less into the life of a girl who don't understand the concept of keeping a secret and being in the garage she saw and heard many things. For now she would rely on the team and Patrick, who was more than willing to babysit.

It had already been a week since lizzy entered school and Happy would have a short interview with the teacher, before classes, to talk about how it had been that first week. Usually Toby would have gone with her, but after he had questioned and harshly criticized each of the teacher's methods in front of her during the first interview, she didn't think he would be welcomed. Sylvester would also have been good support, at least morally, but probably not well received, not after having searched and found all the infrastructure problems of the school, have made a report with them and how to solve it, sending it later to Director of the school, all that in the forty minutes he was in school, while Happy and Toby had the first admission interview. It wasn't that Happy really cared what the teacher thought of them, but even she realized that it was better not to bother her anymore; she had been surprised when they had accepted Lizzy at school.

"I don't see the problem!" , the three geniuses that were in the garage that morning, raised their heads at the voice of Happy, she didn't hear annoying, but by the tone of her voice, was very close to being. She swung open the door and hurried to her work table, leaving behind Paige, who looked frustrated.

"Lizzy can't say fool to a teacher", Paige said. She stood in front of her desk, while Happy began to sort out her tools, ignoring her. Both Toby and Sylvester were attentive to both women, followed them with their eyes and listened to every word.

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