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(August 24th 2019, I'm rewriting this book. But will keep chapters up, just know plot may change and look for an emoji at the top like this ❧ to know that it's been updated since the date mentioned.)

Hiding in my closet, I covered my mouth and nose with my hands to not make noise. I sobbed quietly while that maniac of a man tried to lull me into comfort.
    "(Y/N)... I won't hurt you, don't worry."

He made his way up the stairs, I could hear his heavy footsteps like an elephant as he made his way down the hallway. He kept whispering things, things only an idiot would believe in a horror movie scenario. I counted the seconds, saying my prayers before he would find me and slits my throat.


The door to my room busted open, I held myself back from losing it all then, I had to try and stay quiet, maybe he'd think I wasn't there and leave me alone. I could hear him scratching his knife across my walls, somehow sounding 10 times worse than a teachers nails on chalkboard.
     "(Y/N), this game of hide and seek isn't very fun, just come out so the game finishes." 

Suddenly, my closet door flew open, his bloody face smiling at me. I couldn't even scream at this point, I opened my mouth but couldn't make noise. 


~~ ~~

      I woke up, surprisingly. While my eyesight was cloudy I could make out that I was in a white room, and I felt a weight beside me. Trying to turn, I realized I'm on a bed, and beside me, was the bare back of a man. I held my breath, slowly getting of the bed. He suddenly turned to me, wide awake. I shrieked

"Oh my god! Stay away from me!" I fell off the bed, hitting my head on the wall. 
     "It's okay (Y/N)... You're safe with me now." He smiled, propping himself up.
 "You kidnapped me! What do you mean it's okay!? Do you know that you could go to jail for th-" He put his fingers on my lips, making me stop talking.

"Shh..." He brushed his hand on my head, caressing my cheek. I whacked his hand off my face. "Where am I!?" I yell
 "My house." He says, still smiling.
 "And where is your house!?" I ask. 
"Around the middle of nowhere." His face goes straight.

"You must stay with me, I need you." He grabbed my hand. "Why am I not dead?" I suddenly looked at my hands... I wasn't dreaming. "What do you mean why? I would never kill the love of my life." He smiled.

"L-.... Love of your life?" I asked, receiving a nod from him. He suddenly hugged me, he was too strong for me to break it. "I can't control myself, please stay with me. If I'm with you, I'll be calm, and I can stay normal...." He said.

"What do you mean you can't control yourself!?" I finally managed to push him off me. "It's... Hard to explain..." He said slowly. "Yeah right... You can't just kidnap a girl and say they have to stay with you! That's... That's just perverted!" I attempted to slap him.

He grabbed my wrist, the grip was strong, but not enough to hurt me. "It's better here. You're free from all the dangers of the world." He said calmly. "YOU ARE ONE OF THE DANGERS!" I yanked my hand out of his grip. I rubbed my wrist, the tension from ripping my hand out hurt. 

"No, I'm not..." He said, his eyes seemed to darken. "You said it yourself! You can't control yourself!" I yelled. He pulled me into a hug again, my arms being at my chest. "Calm down." He whispered.

He suddenly fell to the floor, shaking. Was he having a seizure? I didn't know, and didn't care... I jabbed the door open, running wherever I thought was right, I didn't understand everything, every hallway was a different color, but no furniture was seen.

I stopped in a room, I was lost. A single table... With a.... Apple? The room was weird... A bunch of neon and different colors of paint splattered on the wall. I went to the apple, but screamed when I heard a bang.

A bullet was in the wall, I turned around, Jimin standing in front of... A wall? We were in a room, with no doors or windows.... I swear that it was a room that had a cut out wall just a minute ago! "What.... What the hell is wrong with this house!?" I backed up, crashing into the table.

It somehow fell down, when I had only lightly bumped into it. I backed up, my back rubbing against the floor. The gun was pointed towards me, his eyes looked deep, dark... Sending multiple shivers down my spine.

"Please... Please don't hurt me..." I started to cry, pleading on my knee's. "What is wrong with the house... I swear it was just a open wall...." I cried, tears falling on the floor. "It is." He said, I raised my head.

There were no 4 walls, only 3... The wall had gone again. "How!? We were just trapped in this... This..." I was so confused. "Illusions... This house is filled with illusions..." He said, the gun still pointed at me, his head cocked to the side. 

His brown hair fell over his eyes, that's when I realized.... Blood was running from his nose, and mouth... Down his neck and on his shirt. "Oh my god... You're bleeding!" I said. "No, my nose was bleeding, and I was coughing out blood..." He smiled. "THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY BETTER!" I yelled, my crying died down.

I blinked, noticing the gun out of his hand.... The blood was gone. "What the hell!? Where did the blood go!" I said, even his white shirt didn't have a stain. "What are you talking about?" He asked, his hair suddenly turned pink.

"I'm going mad..." I grabbed my head. "No, I already said there were illusions..." He said. "I'm going to loose my mind, going to end up like you!" I crouched down, hugging my knee's. I closed my eyes, praying to be back at home. 

I opened my eyes, I was in my bed. I walked out of my room, seeing my dead parents... Oh my god...

I suddenly fell down, being in the bed from where I had woken up before. He wasn't here yet, maybe he was lost... "My name is Jimin." He appeared in front of me. I yelped, jumping back,  hitting my head. 

"Jimin... Why does that sound famili-" I felt dizzy, falling down onto the bed.

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