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I sat on the bed, leaning against the frame. I sighed, not being able to let myself fall asleep and wake up in the morning, feeling new again. I looked to my side, the sleeping Jimin smiling as he slept. A small little smile crept on my face, seeing him so peaceful.

Wait, no no no.... Nope. I shook my head, sighing again. I laid down again, closing my eyes and tried to go to sleep. Whenever I was at the brink of slumber, my brain forced my eyes open. Something was mentally blocking me from sleep.

I felt uncomfortable.... Unsafe, disgusted.... I couldn't sleep, I rubbed my face, groaning quietly. "(Y/N)?" I heard Jimin's voice croak. I looked down, seeing Jimin looking up at me, a confused and worried filled look filled his eyes.

"I'm fine...." I mumbled. "You've been trying to sleep for 5 hours..." He mumbled. "Insomnia, I have it a lot.... I just don't have sleeping pills at the moment." I muttered. "Here." He grabbed my wrist, pulling me down. He turned me the opposite direction of him, grabbing my hands and holding them in front of my chest.

I was pulled against his chest, my entire body freezing up. "Jimin... I said I'm fine." I tried moving my arms, but he made his grip tighter. "No, you're not. Now sleep." He said. I sighed, glaring at the white covers, even though it wouldn't do anything.

I gave up, sighing before closing my eyes. Comfort washed over me at the feeling of his arms around me, it wasn't because of him, but it was the contact. I always had insomnia problems, but when somebody helped me sleep, and made contact, it made things better...

Sleeping whilst embracing someone, or somebody embracing me, made me sleep faster.

~~ ~~

I woke up, Jimin's arms no longer around me. Light hit my face, even with their being no windows, it seemed as if the walls produced light, only 1 light bulb being in the room. I got up, noticing my clothes to be different.

There was no way Jimin could of changed my clothes, I would wake up... But, this house was strange, so I had no idea. I yawned, my stomach giving a low growl telling me to feed it before it turns me into godzilla. 

I walked out of the room, looking around and seeing a nice change for once. The place had furniture, actual furniture... Although the colors of the walls were still bizarre and confusing, the furniture was all black, making the entire house look like a work of art.

I sat in a chair, the cushion was extremely squishy, the black velvet cover so soft it felt like I was sitting on a giant feather... Or a cat....

"Do you like it?" I heard Jimin's voice behind me, causing me to yelp and for my heart rate to increase. "Jesus! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I whipped my head around, to see a smiling Jimin walking towards me.

"Oh, sorry..." He chuckled. "Y-yeah... I like the furniture." I mumbled. "Glad." He smiled. "Do we, uh, have food?" I asked, my stomach grumbling again. 

"Yep." He smiled, grabbing my hand and dragging me somewhere. I ran to catch up with him, he stopped in front of a black door. "Seems sketchy..." I said. "It's not, trust me." He opened it, revealing a big kitchen.

"Wow..." I said, running inside. "You know I like to coo- wait you stalked me, of course you do..." I instantly warmed up. I opened the fridge, tons of food were inside. "Oh wow..." (OH YES DADDY! ~ Caillou) 

"Do you like it?" He said. I nodded, taking out a few things to make us breakfast. He smiled, before leaning in towards me. "--What are you doing?" I leaned back, taking a few steps back then. "What?-- Oh, uh sorry." He chuckled.

I felt nice, so I walked back and kissed his cheek. "Don't just kiss me out of nowhere." I blushed, his face turned crimson. "B-but... You just-- did..." He said. "Yeah, but you won't complain. After all you started it." I said.

"Touche..." He said, before making an adorable laugh. "Oh my god..." I dropped the spoon in my hand. "What?" He said. "YOUR LAUGH IS SO ADORABLE AND CUTE! AHK YOU'RE FLUFFY." I screamed, looking at his hair.

"What?" He said, laughing again. "Your laugh is so cute! And your hair is so fluffy!" I said. "OH I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!" I hugged him. "Wait- you do?" He said, I looked up, his face being red but he was smiling like an idiot-- mochi >.<...

"Huh?--" I realized what was happening. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, I just invaded your personal space and I probably offended you with those fluffy things... I am so sorry." I let go of him, going back to food. I looked straight ahead at the white wall.

I could feel my face just slowly turning deeper until it was crimson while Jimin just kept watching me make food.

~~ Short I'm sorry... Don't make a Jimin reference, please dont... ~~

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