16 (continued + rewritten)

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~Author POV~

"Goodnight, Princess." He whispered softly, putting the blanket gently on her. He sighed, smirking as he ran his fingers through his hair, chuckling deeply as he felt Jimin trying to take back his body.

"Stop," he hissed to himself, walking to the washroom. As soon as he went in, the mirror no longer showed him, but Jimin.

"Why are you doing this. She's useless for you to use anyway. Please don't manipulate her!" Jimin growled through the other side of the mirror, he simply laughed.

"Oh but I do have a reason. Because she makes you weak, if she doesn't love you, she'll help me, and make you back to your pathetic form." He smirked, his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"She hates me! You would let her die just like that! We both know you took control of me and kept me on the bed while I had to suffer listening to her scream!" Jimin yelled.

"Don't wake her up," he mumbled.

"Of course I did, I also lied about that spot on your neck, I'm just doing that so you'll keep getting reminded she's using you. Every touch is to get to me, her real lover." He furrowed his eyebrows, smirking at the same time as he glared deeply into Jimin's sad eyes.

"You're sick."

"You're weak. We know you won't help but let her kiss you to 'change' you into me." He snarled, his eyes glowing before Jimin slowly faded from the mirror.

"I hate this time thing," he sighed, knowing the time to switch control was now. As his eyes slowly faded back to chocolate brown, Jimin's sigh replaced his. He looked into the mirror, disgusted with himself as his hands curled up into fists, banging the table.

He ignored the pain in his fingers, crying as he looked at himself, repeating over and over how he was an idiot. He heard a small squeak from the other room, she woke up. He quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeve, fixing his hair before walking out.

"How long was I asleep for?" She said happily, Jimin turned to her and smiled, but her tone and smile faltered when their eyes connected.

"Oh, it's you." She groaned, going back under the blanket.

"Can you just listen to me?" Jimin pleaded, sitting down on the bed beside her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"No, jerk." She mumbled.

"Listen!" He pulled the blanket off her. She squealed with shock, rushing to the edge of the bed away from him. Jimin sighed, throwing the blanket at her. She caught it, glaring at him.


"(Y/N), not babe." She hissed.

"(Y/N)." He corrected.

"You know that I love you with everything I have, I'm worthless without you. If you died while fighting Chungha, I would have killed her, and then myself, because I couldn't bear living without you. I didn't have a choice but to stay in my room, you see-"

"You didn't have a choice? What was the other choice Jimin!? Huh? Go outside with popcorn and watch me get murdered? I almost lost my sanity because of you. You left me to die with that maniac of an ex you had!" She growled.

"It wasn't me! He held me back!" He didn't even have to refer to who he was talking about for her to know who it was.

"Yeah right, he told me only I could transfer control between you two." She tsked, calming down a bit.

"Well, he lied. He's beaten you up, and he's tortured the other girl you saw a month ago." Jimin growled before his eyes widened at what he said.

"H-how did you know about the girl?" She raised an eyebrow, Jimin gulped as he knew she wouldn't accept something half-hearted.

"Do you really want to know?"

She glared at him, nodding.

"Fine. Everyday, he would watch you, because his form is in me, but his mind is in the house, somewhere I can't find. He watches you everyday, and shows me everything during my sleep. It's not a choice for me to see it or not." He said, looking down.

"Yes, but who is the girl?" She asked, Jimin couldn't lie now, (Y/N)'s glare towards Jimin could break any hope he had left to tell any lie, or to feel any happiness.

"Th-that was..." He bit his lip, how would she react? Would she cry? Would she scream? Would she even believe him? She probably wouldn't. But she could tell if he lied or not.


~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Hey guys, so I decided to rewrite the last part because I'm thinking wtf and why the hek did I do that. The thing i wrote throws me off track and now i dont know how to continue the plot line! Hope you guys understand and I'll try and write another chapter soon. WHat i wrote i hope i can change to something more easy to ease into since I haven't been writing in such a long time.

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