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(warning described graphic *maybe cringe* content in this chapter!)

As usual, the bright light of the somehow glowing white walls woke me up, of course, Jimin still sleeping peacefully, his arm hanged lazily around my waist. I sat up, brushing the tangled hair out of my face and gently placed Jimin's arm by his side.

Finally, today would be a day without trauma, knowing that this was my house made everything comfy and cozy. I smiled, stretching before jumping off the bed (like how we all did in our childhood like in the movies). Everything in the house seemed normal like how it did when I used to live there, we actually had a closet now!

I walked up to it, opening the door to see a bunch of clothes... For me. "Aw~" I mumbled, glancing at Jimin who had replaced me with my pillow.

I found some basic casual clothes and closed the closet door quietly. I changed quickly, trying not to step on a squeaky floorboard as I left the bedroom. 

Right when I left the room, it felt dark. I shuddered, freezing air swept over me as a feeling of doubt and regret filled my senses. I tried to stay alert, was the house saying something? The furniture was the same, but the walls seemed dark.

I almost died when I stepped on a creaky floorboard, I screeched, jumping in the air. My heart rate went at the speed only Goku could get over 9000.

I walked to the kitchen, seeing a broken plate on the ground. My eyebrow raised on its own, what the hell? I stepped over it, I didn't know where a broom could be, I'd wait until Jimin woke up to clean it himself.

I opened a cabinet, grabbing a glass and a plate. I'd just eat whatever was in the fridge. I stepped over the plate again, but I froze when I saw a black hair. I bent down carefully, picking it up. This wasn't mine... I didn't brush my hair here for it to be at the plate.

Was somebody in the house? No, I would have heard them already. I shrugged, letting it go and opening the fridge. I grabbed the juice, my heart skipping a beat when the doorbell rang.

"Ugh, this is like some horror movie crap," I mumbled, ignoring it and grabbing something that looked like leftovers. Jimin probably went out to eat whilst I was gone at that creep's house.

It was a chicken. I shrugged, putting it on the table and grabbing a knife. I took the lid off and placed the chicken on the plate, walking to the microwave and placing it inside. I closed the door, setting the timer before the doorbell rang again.

I froze, a tingle running up my spine. I wanted to get it, I took steps away from the kitchen, stepping over the plate and towards the door. The doorknob shook, they were trying to get in. I looked through the peephole, nobody...

The doorknob stopped shaking, my hand reaching towards it. I grabbed it, unlocking the door and swinging it open. Nobody.

I sighed, looking around before slamming the door closed again.

"Hello, (Y/N)." 

A girl's voice said from behind me. I knew who it was. The blood from my face vanished as my knees shook. How did Chungha get in?

I turned around slowly, revealing Chungha, a sick grin spread across her face as she was holding a knife. She giggled lightly, holding the knife in both her hands as she played with it, her eye contact not breaking mine.

She looked completely insane, all the things Jimin told me making it harder for me not to scream. "Ch-Chungha," I stuttered, gulping as my vision got clouded with tears.

"Good, you still remember me. I'll be the only person you remember when I kill you today." She laughed.

"You don't deserve Jimin. You're a sick person who changed him forever. But I changed too. You were so rude and cruel to him when we were kids, you know that right? You're the reason he's insane. You're the reason why everything in your life is wrong. Why everything in my life is terrible and ruined." She hissed, her eyes darkening as she stepped closer.

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