Chapter 2 ~ Killian

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        I have a good life, I can't really complain about anything. But I feel that I am missing something, something important. I envy those around me who are happy. What can I do to be like that instead of having to pretend and put a fake smile? I am not sure how to handle everything, it seems that I am slowly losing hope.~ Killian


I always sit outside on the benches beside the Humanities building since it is usually ignored. I yawn loudly.

" Close that mouth Kill, or are you planning to catch flies for lunch?"

I turned around to see who it was. I was so sleepy that for all I could have known I was hallucinating. I saw Chelsea and Adam walking towards me. They have been dating since forever, and Adam has been my best friend since I 'accidentally' pushed him off a swing set. I narrowed my gaze at Chelsea.

"Adam, control your woman!" I turned and tried to look menacing, but probably failed miserably judging by her giggles "...and YOU. You know I hate being called that!" I pouted, which caused Chelsea to erupt in a fit of giggle.

"Aw, come on. We all know that you are a big teddy bear beneath that hugeness of yours" Chelsea said.

"What can I say, my woman has a point. Talking about a point, I find it entirely pointless for God to gift you a 6'4 frame, and lean muscle if you don't do crack with it!" Adam laughed.

"HEY! What do you mean that I don't do crack with it! I work for these guns. I'm starting to think that you guys only want me for my body..." I joked.

Adam has always been there for me, even at my lowest. He is someone I would trust with my eyes closed, hands tied, legs amputated you name it. Ok, that was a little extreme, but I mean he is like a brother to me. I stared at them. I was genuinely happy for both, but when I looked at them the emptiness begins to settle in.

"Get a room guys!!!" I spoke to break their intense connection. I really am a horrible person.

"Don't be jealous Kill" Chelsea smirked.

That woman really didn't know her limits. I struck out my tongue towards her.

"Ok children, you need to stop the fighting."

I laughed at Adam's comment. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. I'm going to go to Starbucks." I spun towards the direction I was headed to.


I crashed accidentally onto someone. I reached down towards the person, what I didn't expect was my hand to be slapped away. I was puzzled.

"I'm sorry about th-" I tried to apologize.

"If you were truly sorry then you would have noticed in the first place." A harsh feminine voice accused.

I stared in front of me. The person in front of me was a woman. I looked at her appearance, if I could sum it up I would say emo or goth. She had a black lip piercing, short night black hair, black glasses, and a tiny nose piercing. Not to mention her cloths, they were oversized a bit. And just like her hair, they were completely black. The only thing that wasn't black was her pale creamy skin and her light brown eyes. She was probably 5'5.

When I crashed into her, her belongings fell from her open backpack. She scrambled to collect them, I tried reaching down again to get her things. As soon as I reached her gaze turned up towards me. Her already stoic features went completely inhumanly plain.

"Like I said I'm really sorry about that. Let me help you."

"Leave me alone" she said.

"Hey! I'm just trying to help."

Instantly her eyes widened and she flinched. Well crap, I scared her. I can honestly felt helpless. At moments like these, I really hate my appearance. I take a few steps back to give her some space. I noticed that she had dropped a few things from her opened dark olive green backpack, I tried to reach towards her books.

A slight tingling at the back of my hand was the only evidence that this woman had slapped my hand away. I wanted to laugh. It was clear that I intimidated the living daylights from her, but she still slapped my hand away. She was puzzling.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE IT" she yelled towards me.

"Ok, sorr-" I tried to say before I was interrupted by Chelsea.

"HEY, he said he was sorry! You don't have to act like a total bitch!" Chelsea harshly spits out.

"If he had looked when he was going at first it wouldn't have happened in the first place!" She responded.

I didn't know where to look, or who to hold back. Adam and me glanced at each other. waiting nervously for the next action to be taken by some very pissed of females. Dear lord, pray for our souls so we survive. I pleaded and prayed silently. I tried to grab Adam's attention so he would get a clue to extract Chelsea before it was too late.

Adam nodded towards me slightly, I instantly felt that I lost 20 pounds off my shoulders.

"Let's just try to calm down, take a deep breath, and discuss this like the kind of adults we are..." I suggested tentatively.

I glanced at the very pissed off looking goth and Chelsea. Both looked like smoke was about to come out of their ears. If I wasn't involved in this mess I would want to enjoy this. We definitely will need some type of other worldly power to prevent the disaster from these two.

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