Chapter 3

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Your POV:

I woke up the next morning took a shower and got into a jogging outfit which for me are a black pair mid calf shorts, a grey t shirt, and a black hoodie, with my converse. It was 7am and I didn't want Billy to get worried so I wrote a note that said 'Went on a jog be back soon:)' and put the note on the fridge. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and went for a jog around the forest marking the trees with my knife. I started humming the song that was playing on my phone. I felt someone grab my shoulder I whipped around saw Seth. I took a deep breath and put my hand over my heart calming myself down.

"You're mean you don't go behind someone when they aren't paying attention and freak them out." I said still trying to calm down. Seth chuckled before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. He lifted me like I didn't weigh anything. He then started walking.

"What are you doing?" I asked from my current position. I couldn't see his face but I knew he was smirking.

"I'm gonna kidnap you for a bit." He said turning to me. I sighed.

"Did you tell Billy that I was being held captive?" I asked. I tried to look up but all I saw was my hair in my face.

"Yes Kitten I asked him yesterday." He said looking over. Kitten when did he start calling me that. I sigh.

"Am I dressed for wherever you're taking me?" I asked still hung over his shoulder. I wish I could say I didn't like it but I felt safe like this.

"Yeah your fine." He said still walking.

"Can I get down?" I asked slightly annoyed. He thought about it. He put me down and I started walking. We walked for a while. I saw the beach and it was starting to get sunny through the clouds.

"We are going to play truth or dare and if you don't want to do the dare you have to dunk your head under the water." He said.

"But I don't wanna get my hair wet." I pouted. He laughed.

"Well you better do my dares." He said. I laughed for the first time in years. He smiled.

"Truth or dare?" He asked. I thought about it. I feel a bit courageous right now.

"I feel a bit dangerous dare." I said with a smile on my face. He thought about it.

"You have to be blindfolded for 5 minutes." He said taking off his shirt. Don't look, don't look, don't look and I just looked wtf is wrong with me. He tied his shirt around my head. I'm regretting this. I could feel him pick me up bridal style and then I felt that I was on his lap. I felt a hand go under my shirt and lightly touch my sides making me flinch.

"No please no." I whispered. He then attacked my sides and I tried to hold in my laughter. I squealed and squirmed trying to get away but failed. He took his hands out from under my shirt and his hands went to my armpits.

"P-please stop." I said but he didn't listen. I felt him get out from under me and I took a deep breath. Then I felt like something was touching my feet. Oh no he got my shoes off and attacked my feet. I squealed and laughed. I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

"T-time!" I said taking his shirt off my face. I moved my feet away from him. He laughed at my sudden action. I threw his shirt at him but he didn't put it back on.

"Truth or dare?" I asked. He thought about it for a bit.

"Dare." He said with a confident smile. I thought about it. I though about it for a little.

"Go up to some random person and ask if they have seen Tinkerbell." I said with a smile. He shrugged and he ran up to some people and asked it they've seen Tinkerbell they said she flew behind them. He ran in that direction then ran back. I started to laugh because they went along with it.

Lost and Found The Lone Survivor (Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now