Chapter 9

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I woke up and Seth was gone. I looked at my nightstand and saw a note that said 'Good morning Kitten! I know you don't like to celebrate August 5th but I thought we could have a movie night for you' I thought about it and thought it was ok. I got up took a shower, brushed my teeth and looked at my options for clothes. I picked out an outfit (picture above) I put on a little makeup and put my hair in a messy bun with my hipster glasses. I think they are fun to wear. I went downstairs and I heard Jake and Seth talking. I listened in.

"Do you think she'll like the surprise?" I heard Seth say.

"I hope so. The administration at the Adoption Center said she hasn't celebrated her birthday since that day. I hope she's ok with it." I heard Jake say. I really hope they didn't go do something big. I made footsteps seeming like I just got there. I walked into the room and waved.

"Morning guys." I said sitting down. I made an apple grow from my hand. I grew two more and passed it to the guys. We started to eat and talk. We laughed a lot and my cheeks started hurting after awhile. Seth grabbed my waist and sat me on his lap. He look off my glasses and put them on. He looks so cute.

"Ok nerd give them back." I said reaching my hand out. He pouted and looked at me. Oh god cuteness overload. I looked away.

"Not working." I said looking away. Stand your ground Paige.

"Give them back or I'm not letting you kiss me today." I said smiling. Weakness found.

"No fair!" He exclaimed. Jake and I started laughing.

"All's fair in love and war." I said in response. Jake held his hand up and I gave in a high five. He gave me my glasses back and I saw a pouting Seth. I kissed his cheek and he smiled at me.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked. They looked at each other then back to me. They nodded and smiled.

"We're going to go to Emily's to have a gaming tournament." Jake said. I smiled. I think I'm gonna win this tournament. That's if Seth doesn't cheat this time.

"Ok I'm gonna take Beth for a run." I said before going out the back door. I saddled up Beth and got on her. I think she'll be ok. I nudged her side and she started running out the pen. We raced past trees and rocks, jumped over branches and logs, and we even passed past some deer. Once me and Beth were far from the house I tied her to a tree and sat on a tree stump. I started crying and yelling and ranting on how I could've helped.

"Why was I so stupid? I didn't I help them? Why didn't I help fight? Why I did I cower and run? Why didn't I help Alice and Scott? Why didn't I help when they needed me most? WHY DID I RUN FOR HELP INSTEAD OF FIGHTING!!! WHY!!!!!!" I started screaming and crying. I hate myself. The loose strands from my messy bun got in my face and were wet from my tears. I looked at my glasses lens and saw that they were wet from my tears.

"WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME?!?!? It t-took away my f-family." I said the last part letting the sobs win over my frustration. I opened the locket and saw my family picture I held onto it and cried even more. Why did God have to take away my family.

"I'm sorry I didn't help. I'm sorry I was stupid enough to go get help. I'm sorry I was so naive and foolish. I'm so sorry.... I'm the reason your gone." I said once I calmed down enough. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. I saw Seth, Jake, Leah, and Jess. I quickly wiped my tears and smiled.

"Hey sorry I didn't see you there." I said acting like I was happy. I'm not sad I'm happy, bubbly, preppy, frustrated, lost, depressed, lonely. I smiled and stood up.

"How'd you find me?" I asked confused. They parted and I saw Beth behind them. I looked at the tree where I tied her and she wasn't there.

"She came running to the house after we heard screaming." Jake said patting the bridge of Beth's nose. Seth went beside me and gave me a hug. I couldn't keep it in anymore I started crying feeling Seth's touch. I thought of what would have happened if my family was still here. Scott would be the overprotective brother, dad would be giving Seth the fatherly talk, mom would be calming down dad and telling Seth to take care of me, and Alice would be teasing me and being my big sister telling me that it's normal to be this way or that way. I thought about what the pack would do. When Scott found his mate they all celebrated because the next Alpha found his imprint and Alice got the title of the Beta when she found her imprint. When I found mine I was supposed to be the Delta. A delta is the wolf rank where you take over for the Alpha or Beta if something happens to them and keep the peace in the pack. You are trained to take up both positions if something ever happened to one. I cried more.

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