Chapter 11

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Your POV:
I woke up to the light shining through the window. I look around and see an unfamiliar ceiling. I look around some more and nothing. Then the events of my day with Seth yesterday came back to me. I'm guessing I'm in Seth's room. No wonder it smells like him. I felt a familiar warmth wrapped around me. I see Seth asleep and he was cuddling me like a teddy bear. I smiled and looked at the time. It was 6. I have more than enough time to get ready for school or as I say hell. I got a pillow and got out of Seth's grip. I put the pillow where I was and he ended up cuddling the pillow. I snapped a picture with my phone and left to the kitchen. I saw that Sue was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hi Sue." I said sitting down at the kitchen table. She smiled and waved.

"Hello Paige. Do you want some breakfast?" She said turning around and smiling. I shook my head no. I'm still full from the pizza last night.

"I'm fine Sue I'm still full from yesterday." I said smiling. I looked at what I was wearing. I forgot I'm in Seth's clothes. Looks like I'm going to have to go home before school.

"You could borrow some of Leah's clothes if you want Paige. And I have some new toothbrushes if you need one. Trust me Leah has a box of clothes she refuses to wear in her room. She says that box of clothes doesn't suit her style." She says still smiling. I went over and hugged her.

"Thanks Sue." I said letting her go. She showed me Leah's room and pulled out a box from under her bed. She left out of the room. I looked through the box and found an ok outfit. I see why Leah doesn't wear most of these. I found a mint blue off the shoulder top with a black butterfly on it and some black jeans with flower print on them. I put my hair in a ponytail and let my bangs fall. I looked ok. I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said turning around. It was Sue. She handed me a toothbrush and some toothpaste. I smiled and she looked at my outfit.

"I wish Leah would wear these." She said smiling. She left to the kitchen again. I brushed my teeth and looked at my outfit in a full length mirror. It looked ok. Plus I can hide it with my hood if people look. I was brought out of my thoughts by Seth's arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey gorgeous." He said kissing my cheek. I turned around and hugged him. He picked me up and spun me around. I laughed and pecked his lips then he put me down.

"Come on hot stuff we have school." I said running out of the room. I got my phone and ran outside. Seth ran after me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind through my playful struggling. I squealed and laughed. He turned me so I was facing him. I stopped everything and looked into his eyes. I couldn't help but smile seeing how happy he was. He smiled a smile that could make a girl faint. I love this dork so much. I got on my tippy toes and put my arms around his neck. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I couldn't help but blush being this close to him. I leaned in and kissed him. It was a sweet kiss but he pulled away. He kissed my cheek and ran behind a tree. I turned away from the tree so he could shift. I looked at the sky and felt the mist on my skin. I felt a wet nose touch my hand. I turn to see Seth in wolf form. Then I had an idea.

"Wait here really quick." I said before running into the house. I went through the house and out the back door.

Remember when I said I was a shapeshifter. I can shape shirt into a few animals. But when I shift back into a human I still have my clothes on.

I went out through the back door and quietly closed the door. I shifted into a wolf. I had my auburn fur and gray eyes but I had brown paws and the tip of my tail is brown. I wonder if I was an actual werewolf would I look like this. I am the size of a regular wolf not huge like other werewolves. I walked to were Seth was and sat down. He saw me and tilted his head to the side. I walked up to him and saw he was the size of a bear. I was very small compared to him. I went between his paws and rubbed my head against his front paw. When I think about it I can walk under him no problem. I started running in a random direction and Seth followed me. He was a lot faster than me too. So I ended up following him. He lead me to this little clearing near his house. He lied down on his stomach. I walked around on my four paws and wagged my tail. This is fun. I pranced over to Seth and jumped on his back. I shifted back into a human and started laughing.

Lost and Found The Lone Survivor (Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now