Chapter 13

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We formulated a plan that could also draw a lot of attention so we needed a battlefield that was away from people. They said they knew a place it was the cliff that was exactly what the vision looked like. Me and Seth keep growing closer but it gets hard to actually spend time together when we have a war coming. It's been at least 3 weeks of nonstop training and strategizing.

"Seth can we go on a hike?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Ok kitten. It'd be nice to spend time together it's been a while since we actually did something." He said hugging me from behind.

"Why do you call me kitten? I'm pretty sure werewolves don't like cats." I said smiling.

"Well I think that the color of your eyes are like a cat color. It's a beautiful silver gray color. You like to cuddle when we are together. When you showed us your powers before I told you you were my imprint I carried you inside and sat you on my lap and just held you close. I didn't want to let go and you just made yourself comfortable on my lap showing you didn't want me to let you go. You are beyond adorable  like a little kitten. To me kittens are so cute and innocent just like you. And werewolves don't hate cats that's just a stereotype." Seth said staring into my eyes like he was staring into my soul.

"I love you." I said smiling. He kissed my  "sweet spot" (where he was going to mark me) on my neck. I held back my voice that threatened to make itself noticed.

"O-ok Seth lets g-go now!" I stuttered rushing to get away from him. He grabbed my hand before I could walk away fully. He spin me around which made me laugh. I was now face to face with him. I smiled and pecked his lips which caused him to smile. I blushed a bit but shook off the butterflies in my stomach. He walked towards the door holding my hand. We took our usual trail to our spot. I sat down with my back to the rock and Seth sat next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and then I wondered something.

"Seth if I have a "sweet spot" does that mean you have one too. Or is it only me that gets tortured?" I asked him. He started smiling.

"It isn't something the guy will say but yeah male werewolves also have a "sweet spot" it's just something the females don't know." He whispered to me. I smiled because he told me something that other imprintees don't know.

"So where would yours be?" I asked. He poked where mine was and I closed my eyes and took a shaky deep breath.

"It should be where yours is but on me." He said tilting his head so his neck was assessable. I sat on his lap facing him and used my index finger to try to find where his was. When I reached where his shoulder and neck met on his right shoulder he took a shaky deep breath and bit his lip while smiling.

"So that's where it is." I said looking at him. I just realized the position we were in. I quickly got off of him and I felt the blush reach up to my ears. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks getting warmer. I covered my face with my hands hoping it wouldn't show.

"You are so mean." I mumbled through my hands. He started laughing.

"How am I mean?" He asked. I could feel him staring at me. I moved my hands somewhat and saw his face right in front of me. Before I could react he gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"You do things like that and then I blush and I get butterflies in my stomach and whenever you kiss me or hold me or touch me it leaves a tingling feeling. It's just mean because you don't seem affected by it." I said pouting feeling my blush intensify by 10 times. He started pouting mimicking me. I tried to keep my pouting face on but seeing him like that made me want to laugh.

Lost and Found The Lone Survivor (Seth Clearwater x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now