Favorite Toddler Photo (Sherlock)

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It's of a 2 year old you sitting on Molly's lap as she was doing your hair so that he could take the two of you to the park.

He liked it because you looked so adorable and sweet like your mum.

It looked more adorable as you sucked on a lollipop.

He finds this picture adorable because it's of you in your pj's awake and poking uncle Sherlock's nose as the two of you had a sleepover at his home.

Sherlock was squinting at you since it was 3 AM in the morning and you had poked his cheek and eye since he knew you liked his bed the most.

John woke up after Sherlock called out to him to see what you were doing and since he found it adorable he took the picture.

It was of you at your 2nd birthday party eating a cupcake while dancing to a song.

It was of you at 2 years old jumping on Seb's back so he could give you a piggyback ride.

It was of when he took you to the zoo for the first time in your 2nd birthday and you kept looking at everything with wide eyes.

He liked the one as you smiled looking at the gorillas through the glass window.

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