Doubting You're His (Sherlock)

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Why would he doubt Molly? Of course her mum tried to be a witch with a B and make him angry at asking why you had a bit of ginger hair.

He knew it came from being related to Mycroft.

He felt a bit uncertain if you were his, but Sherlock assured him that you really were his child.

Well you were adopted so of course he knew you weren't his, but that didn't stop him from caring for you as if you were his own.

Well he knew you were his.

He gave birth to you!

He was just a little uncertain if you were Seb's since you had brown hair and not blonde or black.

So he wasn't really sure.

Until he remembered that he had a bit of brown hair when he was younger.

He had a bit of suspicion since his wife cheated on him many times.

Except it was Sherlock who reassured him that you were his, which made him calm again.

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