Bruce Wayne (older)
It's of Cat holding you against her hip and you're eating ice cream.Jim Gordon
It's of you hugging Lee's legs as you wore his old cop hat and smiling with your teeth showing.Harvey Bullock
It's of you sitting on the grass in Gotham Cemetery as Harvey went to visit an old friend there. You wore a purple flowery dress while hugging some flowers.Jervis Tetch
It's of you pulling his hair while Barbara smirked at the camera.Edward Nygma
It's of you hugging Oswald as he was asleep on the bed making you sit on his back and hug him.Jerome Valeska
It's of you hitting your mom in the head softly while you are pouting.Butch
It's of laying on top of your stuffed animals while playing with a fake phone.Victor Zsaz
It's of you gently biting his arm as he was reading you a bedtime story.Hugo Strange
It's of you leaning against a giant test tube that had someone in there being tested on. You were curious.Alfred Pennyworth
It's of you helping him and Bruce make cookies and you had cookie dough on your hands smearing it on Bruce's hair.

Father and Daughter Preference
RandomEach chapter will be what will be like if a movie or show character was your dad. Includes: Sherlock Doctor Who Gotham Law and Order: SVU Torchwood I take requests.