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I never thought that life would turn out like this. First there was the 9/11 and that started a spark inside of me to show that world to live life to the fullest because you only have a certain amount of years to live it. So to do that, I started writing songs. I know, sounds stupid huh but, I think my point came across really well. My baby brother, Mikey, stood by my side, supporting me through everything. Then, when our debut album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, went world-wide, well, that just gave the band another reason to write another album. Sometimes, this shit is easy-peasey, pumpkin-peasey, pumpkin-pie, mother of god.


After my brother got back from the city, he wouldn’t speak for ages and that really scared me. When I finally got it out of him, I realized that he witnessed something no-one ever should have. Gerard started to write songs and that got our cousin, Matt, into starting a band. Him and Gee went around, asking if anyone knew someone who could sing and play guitar. Eyeball Records had Ray Toro on a waiting list and he kinda made the band straight away. The guys just needed a bassist and a rhythm guitarist. I volunteered to play bass for them but before that I had tried out for the bass in a band called Pency Prep. I had met a guy who could sing and play guitar. Frank Iero ‘auditioned’ for the group and that kinda leads us to where we are now.


This world has changed so much since MCR was formed. Like you wouldn’t believe it. Now we are looked up to world-wide and it’s amazing. Gerard and Matt had first started the band but not long after we did the debut album, Matt left. We found another guy, Bob Bryar, to take over and man, he is amazing. The band feels like a whole new, extended family. No one is ever left out, no one is left behind.


After I found out I was invited into a band, I was thrilled. My life went in a completely different way and it’s now just a natural feeling, if you get what I mean. Gerard is such a talented guy. His little brother is amazing at playing bass and Frank is a really talented rhythm guitarist/singer. Sometimes, people don’t realize how talented they are or how special they are to someone. Yeah, I know, sounds pathetic right but what I mean is, that if someone wants to belong, they don’t have to be the perfect human being. They just need to be themselves and that is what this band is about.

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