I Am.

6 1 0

I am an array of colours,

waiting for my day in the sun -

when walls will fall and time stops. 

I try to paint a world

around myself,

all my very own. 

When I look back I see a little girl,

yellow dress and hair in pigtails.

She is free,

not bound by what she does

not yet know.

Weightless -

her dreams could lift her off the ground,

right to the stars.

The ones she's called for

all along. 

I believe in who I will become -

a butterfly who bursts




from her shell. 

If you really knew me the mirror

would be multifaceted.

A face behind another face,

one after the other,

never knowing,

never sure. 

I can play what sounds

beautiful to the ear.

Behind closed doors.

Away from the world.


I am ______,


for a bus to come

and take me to the


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