The Truth

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     We had arrived at what looked like an abandoned hospital on a quiet street, very far away from our base. It was at least a 5 hour journey back home, and the sun was setting so we had to stay here. Also, there wad electricity still here, that must've meant something. "Welcome," The scientist spoke again, "To the A.M.A.S HQ. The Anti Mutant Attack Squad. We are a team of fighters and scientists who fight to end the abominations before us."
     "Wait," I cut in, "So you have a cure? Or at least know where those things came from?"
     "Yes, uhm, about that," He said, when he began talking this time, he began talking really fast and stuttering, "The uhm, creation of the virus took place three years ago, a small group of very hidden away scientists began, ah, manufacturing a deadly biological weapon that would wipe out colonies effortlessly."
     "Wait, this virus was... Made by people? An official group?" We all stared stunned, numb with pain and shock.
     "Ah, officially we never existed. We made the deadliest weapon ever, a virus that could think for itself, it was a breakthrough in genetic engineering. I'm quite proud of it really, this disease was everything to us."
     We stared even more, the very man beside us had created this... Hell we're stuck in, it was him. One question still pondered inside, "You said 'we'. Who is we?"
     "Oh, yeah, right. We, we are the original group of scientists in the secret orginaztion. Though upon hearing plans to weaponise the virus, we revolted. Left, took off and did our own research. Tested the virus on other human beings, volunteers of course. They were paid handsomely, though something went wrong." He purposely took a second to stop and wait for suspense. I used this moment to have a look around, this place was very high tech and clean. I could see working water fountains and small farms behind the long corridors, we could survive here. Then, my train of thoughts was interrupted as he resumed, "Yes, a problem. Anyhow, those people... They changed, the virus took over as we planned, made them horribly sick but didn't kill them, instead it would spread and adapt to its new host. Though, that didn't happen, hmm, no it didn't," He sighed somewhat ashamed, "No. Those people, they, uhm, they should have died. They're bodies corroded and rotted. They were hardly humans, more a living sack of moldy flesh, but the virus. It worked a bit too well, it kept them alive and it learnt. The virus was sentient. It could think, it learnt and adapted. It survived amidst its new host, changing every second. This virus, it makes the host - it ah. It makes them immortal. Insusceptible to death, unable to feel pain. They just adapt over and over."
     What he just said only kicked in after a minute silence. Those things, Reavers, Skalkers, day-walkers whatever you call them: They can't die. We can. Frick. "Ok, follow me to your rooms, we'll have to spend the night here. Mind anything glasslike or fragile, odds are it'll kill you, oh, by the way, the name's Oscar. Oscar Khalè." And he led us to our rooms.
Awkwardly, Arya and I shared a room yet again, Paul was with Harper. Our room was pristine, two massive beds and a bathroom. There was a small fridge stocked with food and drink, "Take what you need. Tomorrow, we'll talk in further detail, for now just sleep." Oscar told us. I heard the piercing scream that told us it was night now, I wondered how everyone was and how drastically things had changed so quickly.
     As I settled into my bed Arya said, "What's the matter Kreis. I can tell something's bugging you." The room felt like a silent prison, no sound except the slow echoey footsteps outside. I took a minute to decide on my choice of words before finally answering.
     "At base, some big things have been happening. Things aren't at their... Best." My mind drifted to Alicia and I felt guilty for not telling Paul or going back to help her, but we needed the information we could get from here, we had to have it, we needed it.

Meanwhile, at base.

      "Shut up everyone!" Stef ordered, fustrated amongst all the arguing and worrying, "This is getting us nowhere. We can't keep up like this, we have to do something. Chip, Paul, Michael and Arya will come back safe, I promise." The small crew were scared that Alicia was turning into one of those beasts, others thought that Paul, Kreis and Arya were dead and they had no real leader, everyone was paranoid. Alex was busy at work, cleaning her wound hoping it wasn't too late and she wasn't infected.
      Maria hid behind Stef, scared, "Is the bad people here?" She asked, hearing someone say Reaver, "Bad people is killing good people." She stated, as though it were a secret.
      "No, no bad people are coming, I promise." Stef confirmed, "Wait a second... Everyone quiet!" He suddenly commanded. There was no noise except for Alicia's soft groans of pain and the ominous whispers of the Reaver's for it was night. "Hmm, could've sworn I'd heard something. Well, must've been my imagination." He said after a minutes silence. There was an another minutes silence as no-one knew what to say.
      Stef heard that noise again, a soft pained whimper but also the ghost of a whisper. It continued for a few minutes and he thought it was coming from Alicia's room, he signalled for everyone to be quiet and snuck in, a second too late to stop what happened next, Alex lay, bloodied up and unconscious, he saw a man he didn't recognise raise a small blade. He jumped in the way, a chorus of screams echoed throughout, a blood splattered, he was stabbed in his right arm, that was ok. He was left handed, Stef drew a metal pole from his backpack, his only weapon on hand, and swung it at him, the man effortlessly parried and kicked Stef down on the floor, the man gave a second to admire the screams in the other room before lifting his knife, raising it high then he st-

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