The daylight

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       Wandering through the musty streets felt wierd, everything was so silent, the skies gray and the mood melancholic. Arya danced through cheery and hopeful, I didn't get how she kept so happy, not through all that had happened. "Arya calm down I heard something," I whispered in response to a small rustle in a bush.
       "Relax, it's day, ooh! That must mean people are here!" She cheered. She had that likeable attitude, always cheery and active, however, now was not the time for cheerfulnese so I held her back and began crouching towards the rustle.
      Slowly, slowly we crept towards it, the whole day stood still and everything seemed to be staring, the tree's cackled at us like we were heading towards impending doom, oh how true that felt.
      As we neared the bush a small scream came and a small child jumped from the alleyway beside and she screamed run over and over again. She barged past us and Arya grabbed hold of him, "Calm down," she ordered and the girl almost immediately silenced, nothing but a small sniffle, "Calm down kid, what's the matter? It's day, you're safe," she reassured.
     I heard another rustle, they were getting closer... I drew my weapon and shot a look to Arya, "Get ready," and we braced ourselves for whatever hid around us.
       Instantaneously 3 creatures stumbled out at us, they didn't look like Reavers but were completely unhumanoid. One lunged with its arm, which looked like a small armory with an assortment of small weapons and blood dried into it, and I parried with my blade.
       It struck again and in counter I quickly ducked and stabbed its chest, a small trace of electricity jolting it. I was beginning to love my weapon, I didn't even know how it worked, and though they said they did, I doubt either Arya, Paul or Angela knew either.
     I took hold of two of the beasts leaving one for Arya, it didn't feel so much like a fight but more just dodging their slow weak flops then stabbing waiting for them to feel some sort of pain and retreat. Arya was darting in and out between it, throwing it to the floor and repeatedly slashing at it with a small dagger.
       Through the midsts of our small tussle, I was deep in thought. The small girl hid behind me, sobbing quietly. I wondered, wondered how this kid got here, how she knew there was an attack, what the hell these beasts were anyway.
      Without a warning, all three beasts cluttered away, lugging their small armour away grunting with what sounded like pain. Euphoria rushed through me, we had actually defended those demented beasts, then I remembered the small girl, "Hey, what's your name sweetie?" I asked to her sobbing figure.
     "My name's - my name is... Maria," She whispered through her racked sobs. "My parents were... bitten and they told me not to look at them. It was by those thingies, big mean disgusting bullies..." and that was all I asked for now, she was on the verge of breaking completely.
       She tagged along with us without another word and Arya and I didn't argue. After all, weren't survivors what we were after? I guess that meant we had a few more hours of walking, the sky still looked bright and I made a haphazard guess that it was roughly 3pm and we had ages; Arya seemed lost in thought and was staring at the sky.
     After another two hours Maria spoke again, "Where are you taking me? Away from the hurt and bad guys?" She asked, adorably. "Bad guys is out at day, are they hurting me?" She was shuddering and looked terrified, poor girl.
      "It's gonna be fine," Arya encouraged, "We're the good guys and we'll stop the bad guys. We're building up an army, an army to fight those things," Arya's face was set in pure leadership, she looked at Maria with a smile that said everything was gonna be fine, "Do you want to join our army Maria?  We will protect you, you can stay with us and be safe,"
     Maria gave a curt nod and cowered away, we began walking yet again for quite some time. There was a side to Arya I had never seen, determination and leadership. She seemed so... In the zone right now, everything just felt so crappy right now, her mood just seemed to keep me going though, I just couldn't stop, I had to keep going.
     My legs felt like lead, I wasn't tired but my body drooped. Peacefully my thoughts drifted around, I started thinking about this whole situation, it was dropped on me like a tonne of bricks and I was still in shock.
      The towering buildings overlooked us and I saw a group of people hiding in a house, I advanced. Big mistake, one of the men, who looked like a guard, instantly began shooting darts out of a blowpipe at us, four narrowly missed my head and I shouted for the others to run, Arya grabbed Maria and jumped to the floor, I, however, thought it was a good idea to stand still and try to negotiate with these men. "Keep calm, please, don't hurt us. We're just looking for survivors," I stuttered.
      "Oh yeah? Prove it, you're just another scavenger trying to steal our stuff, ain't falling for that one again you lil' bugger, you want our food? Get it," He taunted, patronisingly.
      God,  I hated this guy already, "Oh shut up, I'm not a thief, but seeing as you don't want to be a part of our army to fight those Reavers then fine, we'll just go," With absolutely no intention of letting him help us but only to get out safely with the others.
       I gently walked back, Maria and Arya trailing ahead of me.

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