Unexpected Company

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Chapter 2

I reached the office. It was bright and clean there were chairs against the wall and pictures of unfamiliar faces. I leaned Over the desk blocking patients from entering.

"Hello, Mrs. Davis it's Claire Grace."

A door swung open as a middle aged woman stepped out.

"Yes, Claire nice to meet you,as you already know I'm Betty Davis and I will be your new boss."

I stopped listening for a second and thought.

What she's my new boss.

I zoned back in as I heard her give me my assignment.

"Ok since you are new and haven't had much experience I am going to give you what we call a tour. The tour will show you what you will deal with and I am going to put you as the group therapy sessions leader. Any questions before we start? "

"Not right now maybe at the end." I said

She came out from behind the desk. She grabbed a ring of keys and opened the office door motioning for me to follow her. We walked down the hallway and took a left.

We were getting closer and closer to the screams. Shivers went down my spine as I realized they were right in front of us she unlocked the door and let me in.

"This is your new office."

It was simple. Mostly everything was white. The walls were white the door was white and the chairs were white. It was just as clean as Mrs. Davis's office. I looked at the lady who was saying some words to the patients. She was younger about her late twenties, except she could be mistaken for forty because she looked exhausted.

She stood up and told the rest of the people in the room to stand up. They listened

"Class this is your new leader." She said

A patient started screaming again. It was the same screams I had heard from earlier.

"I'm sorry." The lady said

"it's just that i have worked with some of these guys for years and we have grown an emotional bond with each other. It's hard to let them go but I need a break."

"It's fine." I said "I get it." Which I really didn't.

I went over and introduced myself.

"Hello! I'm Claire Grace and you are."

"Yes I'm Jackie Newman I'll be taking a break for a year or two until I can take on this job again."

I took a look at the patients, Jackie introduced each patient was which there was only five. This is Paul, Cora, Annabelle, Fredrick (the one who was screaming ) and Caroline. I waved it was like waving to bricks, nobody responded.

About 8 hours later it was time for me to take off from work. I said goodbye as I watched the last patients fall asleep in there room. I walked to the office and shouted through the door

"Bye Mrs. Davis!"

"Bye sweetie have a nice evening."

I walked down the familiar hallway this time taking the elevator. As soon as the elevator reached the lobby, I went over to Melony's office she was still working

"Goodbye Melony."

I walked into her office. She was not there. I decided to leave because I was exhausted and ready to go home. I headed for the exit

Where did I park my car? I thought to myself.

And then out of the corner of my eye I saw the familiar brown curly hair.

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