I just came to say hello.

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Chapter 3

I sighed as he came toward me. It was already embarrassing enough that he was in the restroom the same time as me. I kept walking down the sidewalk trying to ignore him as he followed behind me. I decided to cross the street. Not paying attention I stepped right in front of a moving car

"Watch out!" He said

He had pushed me out of the way. The person in the car honked there horn. I decided to wave my middle finger. I saw the curly haired guy laugh.

" Look, I'm grateful that you saved my life but I'm trying to find my car and you following me around like a lost puppy isn't helping."

He smirked thinking everything I said was amusing.

" I was just trying to get your name." he said

" Mine is Harry, Harry Styles."

I laughed at his name it was so ironic.

"What?" He said. "I bet your name isn't any better."he laughed

"Actually mine is it's Claire Grace."

I looked at his beautiful eyes. They stared deep into mine like he was trying to figure me out. I blushed and looked away.

"Well I have to go. Thank you again for saving me."

" No problem, I would do it anytime." I blushed.

His voice was raspy and deep. His dimple popped out of his cheek as he smiled and waved goodbye. I waved back. After a few minutes of looking I found my car. I stuck my key into the ignition and headed off to home.

After a few minutes I made it to my house I pulled into my house and saw Tyler's car in my drive way. He had been my boyfriend ever since sophomore year of high school. I opened my car door as I got out and went inside

"Hey babe." Tyler said as I walked in.

"Hey sweetie." I went over to Tyler and gave him a kiss

"I'm taking you out tonight so get ready."

"Oh I wonder where." I winked.

I knew exactly where he was taking me it was my favorite restaraunt in the world. I headed up stairs and got undressed and hopped in the shower I let the warm water run over me as I thought about my day. It was crazy. I let those thoughts clear my head as I washed it. I rinsed and got out.

I wrapped and got out of the shower I wiped the fresh steam off of the mirror and smiled. I'm lucky I said. I opened the door of the bathroom and the cold air hit me. I put on my bra and panties. I looked in my closet to see what I could wear. It took me a while I found the perfect outfit.

It was a black long sleeve dress that fit just perfect. I took out my red pumps and some black tights. I put the outfit on. It was beautiful. I looked at my hair it was a mess it was hip length and different shades of blond and brown.

I took out the blow dryer and dried my hair. After that I curled my hair with the wand. And put on some mascara and eyeliner. I then put on concealer, powder and eyeshadow my finishing touch I put on red lipstick. I grabbed my black handbag and went to the living room as I waited for Tyler.

I sat down on the couch and took out my phone I got on Instagram and took a picture. Tyler then walked out he looked handsome. But all I could see was Harry's face. I got the image out of my head.

"You ready?" he said

"Yes." I said

He opened the door and motioned me to go first.

"What a gentleman." I giggled

"Why thank you." He replied

He Locked the door and opened his car door for me and closed it. He got in and then we left.

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