Chapter 1

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"Ente Ente! Komm schnell, come quick, the egg is hatching!" Ente looked over at his petite wife flapping her wings in excitement. "Eile! Hurry!" She shouted turning her attention to the egg.

Ente and his wife Entu lived in a small town in Germany where they ran a small purple carrot farm. It was January, purple carrot harvest season, so Ente had been working in the field all day.

"Took you long enough!" Entu said annoyed as Ente ran up to her. "Well I'm here now," said Ente, out of breath form his sprint. Ente and Entu looked down at their egg. It was a creamy white color and had a long crack down the middle. It shook a little and Entu inhaled quickly. Ente reached over and grabbed her wing. They watched for what seemed like hours as the egg shook every now and then and the crack gradually grew larger.

"Oh!" Entu exclaimed as the top suddenly popped off the egg and out plopped a tiny duckling. The duckling was a small grey-yellow blob of fluff . His body was mostly out of the egg but his head was still partly covered by the egg shell.  Ente and Entu leaned in closer. Entu dropped Ente's wing to reach toward her duckling. "Mein Entlein, my duckli..." Entu started when suddenly the tiny ducks head came loose. He whipped his head around stared right at his parents and went "MEEEEEP." Ente and Entu drew back startled. The duckling staring back at them had large black, beady eyes, a head much to big for his body and an abnormally large bright orange beak. He was looking at them like he wanted to devour their soul.

"He is beautiful!" Entu whispered in awe. "Yes," Ente replied, still shocked from the loud meep. "I think we should name""Pato." Entu said. "Pato, I like that" Ente replied. "Hey Pato, welcome to the world!" They said  getting a little closer to their new duckling. All that Pato said back was "MEEEEEP."

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