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"BOOM!!" That's the sound that woke me out of my sleep my eyes jolted open and I instinctively turned my head left and right as fast as I could looking to see where It came from I jumped out of my bed and bolted to a window to look outside And see what's going on and I was greeted by a horrific site the sky was black with smoke and people were running...but from what I scanned the area to see what people were running from and suddenly I was face to face with what looked like a dead decaying body but..it was moving as if it was still alive" z-zombies!!!" I yelled stumbling back which was a huge mistake my scream attracted more of them they broke through my window I was stunned before jumping up to run for my door I didn't have time to grab my pants so I was just in my underpants" what the HELL is going on" I thought while running through my town I was looking for either a car or a place to take refuge till I was found I was running before I ran into someone "why don't you watch where your going" I growled rubbing my head "why don't you" the person replied I looked up to see it was a girl she was kinda short with cute short hair and her skin was dark kinda like mine she was wearing a short shirt that showed her stomach and some sweatpants "oh I'm sorry" I said rubbing the back of my head "yeah you're. Gonna be " she took up a long metal rod "woah woah!!" She swung and u shut my eyes expecting to feel it connect with my head but all I heard was a loud crack I opened my eyes and turned to see one of those zombies on the ground it's head bashed open I looked at the girl with a shocked expression "WHAT you think I was gonna hit you" she smirked giving me a wink "now let's go get you some pants" she chuckled running off" I reluctantly followed behind her "this girl is crazy" I thought as I followed behind her

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