They Said

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They said I'd get over our,
Yet here I am,
Trying to forget you,
But missing you even more.

They said I'd be happier without you,
But why is it,
That now you're gone,
I feel worse than ever?

They said I deserved better,
Yet here I am,
Wishing that you'd just please,
Come back.

They said it's good that you're gone,
But why is it,
That every time I feel joy,
I wish you were here?

They said I'd need someone better,
Yet here I am,
Pining for you,
When I know I shouldn't.

They said I need to relax,
But why is it,
That I feel I can no longer do so
Without you?

They said the sadness will pass,
Yet here I am,
Sobbing my heart out,
Over you.

Written 4/28/17

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