Chapter 5|The 'Big' Question|Harry Needs A Girlfriend

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L*O*U*I*S Point Of View

After class I rushed out of class to see Anna, we were so lucky to have every class after 1st period together. Right when I turned the corner Anna did the same and we bumped into each other. 

"Sorry." Shes always apologizing.

"Anna you don't have to apologize, you apologize way too much."

She smiled a shy smile and I did the same, we would be the perfect couple."Anna can I ask you a serious question? somewhere private?"

"Yea sure what do you wanna talk about?"

"Uh well just follow me to the library."


When we got into the library I sat her down and finally asked her the question I have been wanting to ask her since 9th grade.

"Ok so.. here goes..."

A*N*N*A*S Point Of View

I wonder why Louis brought me to the library

"So I brought you here to ask you." He was really nervous and shaky so I squeezed his hand to calm him, and it worked pretty well.

"Sorry, so this is knda embarrising but will you ya know be my girlfriend?" He was so, shy he flushed and I was in shock but of course I would be his girlfriend.

"Yes of course I will Louis!" I leaned over and kissed him he was surpirsed but then he started to go along with the kiss and our tounges fought but I won in the end. We sadly pulled away but we needed a chance to breathe and take in all that happened. He grabbed my hand and when we turned around to leave the library and of course there was Harry standing there.

"Harry! What are you doing here?!"

"Uh I don't know really I was uh walking to class then saw you two making out in the middle of the library." He was a really bad liar, I feel like he is stalking me no matter where I go.

"Harry, your such a liar, whenever you see me or me and Louis together you stare me down. You don't even like me or know me so just leave me alone, please. Come on Louis."

Thankfuly Louis followed behind, I knew he had alot of questions but I wasn't in the mood to answer them.

"Louis I will anser any questions you have after school ok? Can I come to your house after shcool?"

"Yea sure anything for my girl."

Wow he was so sweet I'm a lucky girl.

H*A*R*R*Y*S Point Of View

Well that was shocking, Anna was making out with that Louis dude in the library. I never thought of her as that kind of girl. I was really shocked when she went off on me, but she was right whenever I see her or her and Louis together I can't help but stare.

I really need a girlfriend, that Marilyn girl was pretty cute. I should go talk to her. When I saw her in the hallway she was talking to someone but I couldn't see who it was. Then he turned around and i t was Zayn. Are they dating? Well might as well just ask.

"Hey Zayn whats up? Hey Marilyn." Zayn shook my hand and Marilyn had the look on her face that I was going to hurt someone, I guess she didn't know or Zayn didn't tell her that we were friends.

"So Zayn is she like your girlfriend or something?"

"Uh yeah she is actually, why?"

Oh my fucking god are you serious? I mean she is hot with her brown eyes and brown hair. What am I thinking? She's dating my best friend. God damn.

"Oh I was just wondering she walked me to the office this morning and wouldn't shut the hell up, no offence." I may have sounde like a dick but it was the truth she didn't know when to stop talking. Except for now, she wasn't saying one word. 

"Yea well shes my girlfriend, we started dating last year." And of course he had to brag, suddenly he pulled me over to the side like he was going to tell me a secret or it was something that he didn't want Marilyn to hear.

"Have you seen Anna Fieldsman? Shes hot. I wouldn't date her cause I got my own girl. And I heard Louis Tomilson asked her out and they are dating." My heart stopped beating, I don't even know why I freak out when I see her, its not like anything happened. Its just when I see her, or hear her name I start to freak out.

Oh My God What Have You Done To Me Anna?


Twist? oh and this won't be a book where Harry gets the girl he can't stop thinking about no Anna and Louis will stay together an Harry will find a new girl. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2014 ⏰

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