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"Uh Chloe come help me choose something to wear," Megan typed with panic, "ok I'm coming," Chloe replied quickly, running down the street like a maniac. "I'm here!" She bursted in the door, tripping over the dogs on her way, "stupid animals," she yelled with anger. "More like stupid humans," Megan shook her head, "where the hell did they come from, last time I checked you had no pets, they all died." Chloe harshly explained, "I got two new additions today, Jacob, Mark and Grace bought them for my birthday," Megan felt grateful. "That's so nice, I feel bad, idk what to get you," she grinned. "Hmm I don't need anything bro," Megan encouraged, "just come to my party, that's all I need," she smiled. She nodded and the two girls started getting ready together, Chloe was already ready, they ended up picking out a ocean blue dress, she was now curling Megan's hair, she then twisted it into a bun while looping flowery ribbon. "You look amazing," Chloe complimented, "thanks," Megan cheered, "Jacob should fuck you up jokes," she laughed. Megan shook her head with amusement, "girls it's time to go," her mum called, "coming," Megan raced out, Snowy ran under her feet and lay down on her foot as she stood waiting for Chloe, "aw that little guy looks like he loves you already." Her bestfriend smiled as she came out after her, "true, his my big baby," she laughed. "Are you taking them with you?" Chloe asked curiously, "well jacob said leave them for a night but they look fine," Megan thought. "I don't think they want to leave you anyway," her mum added. "I'll get the leashes, text Johnny," she asked Chloe, "huh?" She was shocked by hearing his name, "oh you didn't know?" Megan laughed, she handed his number, "text it saying your my friend and to bring Benny," she ordered, Chloe immediately did that, she was nervous but typed. "Hey chloe thanks for letting me know, see ya soon :)" Johnny replied to her not long after. The girls got in the car with the dogs in the middle, Megan cuddles Oscar and he licked her face, "cutey," she laughed. Chloe took a glance at Snowy who stared jealous at them, "come here," she called, slowly picking the puppy up, the dog wriggled out of her arms and onto the floor, he started crying. "Chloe, be careful!" Megan worried, grabbed the furry white pup and placing him on her lap next to Oscar. They got to the beach in no time, since it was down the road, they heard loud screaming, "oh shit, just about the whole of the Australian fandom is here," Megan was scared, "this isn't safe at all," Chloe decided, Megan felt like crying, "I'll ring jacob," she sighed. "Jacob! Where are you?!" She asked desperately, "I'm ok, I'm in a police car, but I can't go anywhere, there's fans everywhere," he sounded fearful. Slowly started barking when a girl looked in the window, "WHERE IS HE YOU BITCH?!" A thirsty fangirl tried to drag her out of the car, "get away from me!" She screamed, the girl refused to give up, she pulled her out of the car and started threatening her. Snowy and Oscar started barking and growling, Snowy jumped out of the car and started biting the girl, she yelled and ran off, "augh," she spat. Megan got up with pain in her eyes, she looked at the puppy with pride, "good boy," she felt a tear roll down her face. She picked the dog up and got back in the car, "Jacob just called, we are changing the location, in fact it's just us now, this was a bad idea," Chloe was shook. "Lets go mum, before I get attacked again," she was still recovering. The women reversed and drove off quickly, girls stared at them, some followed, running after the car. "Where is this location?" Megan gasped, "don't worry, it's at a hotel, we will be guarded, Johnny is notified and a few people from school are joining." Chloe read out to her from Jacobs message, "good," Megan finally relaxed. "Jacob hired the party room with security," Chloe concluded. "Nice," she replied.
A few minutes later they arrived at the quiet hotel, no fans or crowd, Megan walked her dogs into the hotel, "greetings," the lady at the counter smiled, "may I take you to your room?" She asked, Megan replied politely, "yes please." There was a backyard at the back of the room that was shared with another room, "the room next to you is for your party as well," the lady explained and left them with the key. Jacob came in after her exit, "hey babe," Megan cheered, "are you okay?" He asked worryingly, "I'm fine, I got dragged out of my car though..." she frowned, "OMG, you could have been seriously injured, are you sure your fine?" He pulled her close and hugged her. "I'm all good, that little white puppy you bought me saved me," she smiled, Jacob was surprised, "does this little hero have a name?" He asked, Megan told him both dogs names. "Snowy is gonna be a big boy one day," he grinned, "nice guard dog," Megan's mum agreed, "yea," she hugged the big puppy, "your so beautiful." Oscar joined her and cuddled up to her, "I just want to chill, I am not in the mood for partying, this day is kinda ruined, let's just stay here and eat food while listening to music." Her eyes where almost closing, she lay down on the couch where her dogs started to sleep. "Okay," Jacob sighed, he called everyone to the room and they sat around on the couches. "True or dare anyone?" Mark asked cheekily, "sure," everyone shouted. "Megan you start," Grace suggested, she nodded, "ok, Jacob truth or dare?" "Dare" he grinned. "I dare you to lick the table," she laughed. "Ew," he complained but couldn't help being amused.

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