Business deals accomplished.

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**************Liam's POV*************

***Two Days Later***

Aria was going to be flying into Colorado in less than three hours. I could not wait to see her beautiful face again. I was SO glad that we finally got to work things out and now I was no longer stressed out except with Harrison.

I was going to call him at 10 when he arrived at the office. I had 10 minutes to come up with what I was going to tell him but my 10 mintues were cut short when Chloe called back and said he was in the office. Chloe put me on hold and paged for Harrison.

"H&L, Harrison speaking." He said.

"Harris we need to talk about somethings." I said.

"Liam, What could you possibley want? I just got you a 60% increase." He said firmly.

"Harris now is not the time to give me a lechture I need you to be my brother for this." I said.

He exhaled slowly and replied "What's it that you need help with?"

"Aria is pregnant. I hate the fact that when I found out the first person I told was Aria's family and it should of been you. You were my best friend.  We have been fighting over these damn offices ever since dad died. You got the office you wanted and you still won't talk to me. I just don't get it! I need your help, advice, something from you. I want to be able to see my nieces. I love them to death and I would die if I didn't get to see them." I yelled.

"She's pregnant? Wait it's with you I hope! I didn't even go close to her so don't even blame me." Harris pleaded.

"Of course it's mine. It happened right before I left for Colorado." I said.

"Congrats! You will be a great dad. Liam, I will never keep you away from the girls they love you so much." He said.

"Thanks Harris. It means a lot to me." I replied.

"Look if you want this office back you can have it. You know what how about you sell that building and this one can be the real H&L with you and I as the owners. I will keep out of your way. You had this office first and I don't think your employees even like me." Harris confessed.

"You mean it? You want me to sell this one?" I asked.

"Yeah I mean it and Liam I don't hate you. It was more of jealously because you connected with dad WAY better then me." He confessed.

Holy cow! My brother was jealous of me. He was never jealous expecially of me.

"Harris, He did not like me more he just hated how you never came around and he never got to see his grandchildren." I said.

"Look Liam I mean it sell the building and move home with mom, Aria, and me." He said.

"Well Aria wants to move to Arizona together." I said.

"I think she will be happy if you tell her about our new plan.. but I just got a client so I will call you later." He said.

"Okay. I'll tell Aria about our plan when she gets here." I said as I hung up.

I grabbed the stack of papers off my desk and took off to the copy room. I opened the door to see Aria standing outside the door with her luggage.

"Babe, I thought you flew out later." I said.

"Yeah I was suppose to but some couple wanted to switch tickets and the lady at the desk let me take their spot." She said.

"Well come on in my office." I said grabbing her bags as I followed her in.

"Wow! This is nice." She said exploring the office.

"Yeah that would be Harrison." I said. I went to my desk to set my papers down and she pushed me into my chair and sat on my lap and kissed me hard.

"I needed that." She said smiling.

"Oh I did too baby." I said kissing her again.

"I can go shopping or if you give me your address I can keep out of your work." She offered.

"Actually would you want to help me? Please my new side-kick sucks and doesn't know what she is doing." I said watching her smile break into a laugh.

"I suppose only because I love you." She said.

God did I love this girl. I was crazy about her.She made me smile at anything she said. When I thought about her a smile would appear on my face. She knew how to relieve my stress and calm me down. I couldn't wait to see the baby, I'm sure the baby would look and act like her or at least I hoped so.

I studied her as she sorted through my papers and labeled everything. She knew how to sort things out and she was organized.

"Soo umm.. I wanted to talk to you about something." I muttered.

"Sure. What's that babe?" She asked looking up at me.

"What would you think if I co-owned H&L in New York with Harrison? If we just stayed in New York and we could go to Arizona for vacation." I asked.

"You mean live in New York?" She asked.

"Yeah. Harris wants me to sell this building and we will make the other one bigger. I talked everything out with him. We wouldn't have to leave anyone." I said.

"Well... to be honest.. I would LOVE it! Allie and Seth aren't leaving because they just found out she is pregnant." She said smiling.

"Really? So you think it's a good idea?" I asked.

"Absolutely! As long as we move in together and maybe get a house so we can start out our new lives." She said.

"Did I ever tell you I love you?" I asked.

"I think a few times." She teased.

"Well I love you a LOT!" I said placing my hands on her hips.

"That's better." She said as she kissed me.

"I am going to make a few phone calls if you would excuse me." I said handing her my credit card.

"What? I am not taking your credit card. I have my own." She objected.

"Buy yourself something nice for tonight." I teased.

"Here. I'm going I will be back later. Love you." She said as she kissed me and tucked my credit card into the back pocket of my pants that clung to my butt.

"Don't even say anything perverted." She objected as she walked to the door.

"Oh come on. That's cheating you practically read my mind." I said as she closed the door behind her.

I called up Troy (owner of a big law firm that tried to buy us out a while ago) to tell him about our new business offer. He agreed right away, he told me he was going to open another law firm and he had a whole plan planned out. He would show up here tomorrow after he talked to the bank.

The next call was for the house that I was going to buy Aria while I was still working in New York. It was a 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath. It had windows in the front, with a cute little garage hooked on, and a big yard for the kids to play in.

The realtor responded to me saying that the house was sold but they had a new one for sale. It was a 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 1 study, 2 living rooms. She sent me pictures to my email and told me to get baack to her by tonight. I finally got the pictures and the house was breathtaking. I loved it already. I called her back right away and told her yes.

I made my last call and that was to my renter telling her I would be leaving in a few days.

Finally it was time to got home. I was going to met Aria at Friedo's for supper and tell her about everything. I was so excited to share everything with her. I even printed the pictures off for her.

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Picture of their new home in the side box.

So what do you think of their new plans? Good idea or bad? Will Harrison become controlling again or will he be the brother Liam's missed?


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