The Meeting

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Park Dara is a bank employee, she is 22 years old. A new employee assigned at loans department in the bank branch. Part of her work is to schedule the appraisal of property for a new client who want to take a loan with property as collateral.

Kwon Jiyong was the Appraiser, a senior and was assigned at the head office. He was the one who will appraise the land, building or any properties. Twenty -seven years old. Married with three kids. A player in his teenage days.


It was Monday morning. Dara is preparing for the documents.

"Hello mam, good morning". greeted by a man dressed in their uniform, gray polo, black slack pants. A tall, dark and handsome, seated in front of her table. A familiar face, the playful eyes, and the not so obvious smirk in his lips facing her with excitement.

"Oh..hello sir, good morning. You're the appraiser?"She asked smiling.

"Yes mam. And i want you mam to go with me since Roy is absent and you're the only one who knows where the client lived." He said in authoritative tune.
She's trying not to flinched when he said mam at her. She is not comfortable yet to be called by that but she doesn't try to stop them anyway. But this man kind of getting on her nerves. But he's a senior.
"I'm Dara by the way sir, you can call me by that." She said.
"I know." The man smirked.
"What you mean you know?" ask Dara defensively.
"Of course your name, what else would i know?" Teased by him.

She smiled, "alright Sir, i'll just finish this document will be using. Give me 2 minutes and were good to go Sir." She narrated. Definitely emphasizing the sir part.
"Surely Dara." He said and walked away but looked back at her before opening the door. "Call me Jiyong." He winked and continued to the door out if her sight.
"Exciting day, maybe." She blurt out after realizing what happened.

Dara remember him way back. They talked at the internet cafe but did not exchanged names. She doubted if he remembered since it was just a one time talked and flirting-moment. He just happened to went there to fixed some documents since their internet network did not working. But she can't seems to forget him, he way he talk, he smile and the gesture. And she was the cashier at that time. Her shift was at night but her co -employee got some family matter to attend so they exchanged shift. After that she didn't know if he came back or not until now.

She step out of the office and search for him. She found him at the pantry.
"Hey sir, i just want you to know i'm ready when you are." She smile.
"Oh yes, i'll be there." He casually said. She nodded and walked away.
She found it disappointing, no flirting from him. Aw, he must have some mood switch. Well, whatever. She thought.


As for work, the day went well. But for her, deep inside she was just confused, why he did not talk to her again. After they came back from field Jiyong has his focused on his computer probably making reports. Even her other co-worker offered him coffee but he rejected it.
She all of the sudden not in the mood. Fine if he didn't want to talk to her, i'll make him. She got up from her desk and walked to the finance. Since Finance Department was just located next to their room. Every room by department is made of glass wall and not tinted. So, if he will look to his right side he can see her. She talk to their cashier who was known as single and a player. Did some flirting. After a few minutes, she saw him walk to them.
"Hey Brent can i have this. " Jiyong just approached and give Brent a piece of paper, the expenses he had for reimbursement. His mood switch from gloomy to pissed. Someone's jealous.
"Bye Brent, break is over." She winked and walked away without taking a glance at Jiyong.
I don't know but don't like what i'm thinking. Must not assume. Dara thought.
"Hey Dara". Jiyong called her.
"Yes sir Jiyong? Need anything." She turned around facing Jiyong. Smiling.
Jiyong glanced at Brent who is also listening.
"Ahh, nothing. I will just going to ask you to sign my reports. So i can go back to the head office now." He said. And turned back to Brent.
"Yes sir, i'll go sign it." She walked away faster. Feeling disappointed. She sighed. She sign the documents that Jiyong put in her table and headed to accounting to pass her day end report. Also, so she can't see the departure of her appraiser.

Since she doesn't want to eat alone at her apartment, she come with her co workers eat out. Its been four days since "Jiyong thing" happened. It was Friday, usually times like this she will go to her hometown to spend the weekends there. But now she feel lazy and just want to cuddle in her bed. Since her boyfriend got some work seminar and will be back on Sunday afternoon.
"Dara, sir Kwon ask your number earlier, he said he needed to have some documents but i said you have it. He just ask your number and i gave it." Liza said between chewing and swallowing the foods. Table manners where are you when she need one. Oh crap.
"Really? he did not contact me, maybe he found it already." Dara just shrugged her shoulders.

That night she logged in to her Facebook account and got a friend request from none other than Jiyong Kwon. She browse his profile and found out he was married.
"Wow, what a revelation for me."
"So he was taken."
"Okay, that's alright. I'm taken too. But not by marriage yet."
"Will it's just a crush, no harm done."
That is what Dara said to herself. But there's a pang of pain deep inside her heart. Not sure what to feel at the moment.

She love Craig no doubt about it and she trusted him and vice versa. But seeing Jiyong again turned on the flame that was hidden deep inside her heart. A ring of her cellphone stop her thoughts. It was unknown caller.
"Hello." She answered.
"Hi. Its Jiyong." Her heart skip a beat.
"Yes sir Jiyong, what can i do for you?" she answered not wavering her serious tone.
"I just wanna say sorry.. for being a jerk last time." Silenced. She doesn't know what to say.
"i remember you, from the cafe."he continued. "I just don't know what to say." He continue.
"I went back to the cafe but you are not there anymore. They said you resigned already. I asked your name but I can't locate you in Facebook. You must have used other name. I just-"
"wait, why are you telling me this?"
There was a long silence but she waited.
"Because, if i would have found you that day, maybe i'm still single today." He answered. His voice wavered.
"What happened?"she asked curiously.
" The night of that day, i got drunk and knocked out some girl."he said.
"Holy shit!" She cursed.
"Yes, i got married to the girl which is my wife now. She is good during our first year of marriage...until-..but my kids makes me happy...that's the most important of all i guess." He sadly said. Not mentioning the story between him and his wife. But it was okay. She feel like she doesn't want to know either.
"At first i was blaming you, but i got over it. Still i am sorry for blaming you." He said sincerely.
"I - I don't know there was incident like that behind my knowledge. Maybe..maybe if i know...-".she replied.
" Don't worry, its all in the past now. I decided to tell you because you deserve to know."he cut off his own sentenced.
"what.. i deserved to know?"
"I like you since the cafe incident." He whispered but Dara heard it clear.
"I know.."
"You know?"his tone become hyper.
"I mean, I'm kind of know what you feel. I waited for you though, you know my shift was at night, so i'm kind of expected to hear from you..but until i got job offer in the my town, i grabbed it. After i left, i don't expect you anymore. I thought maybe i was wrong." She laugh sadly.
"So you like me also.?" He asked teasingly, but hopeful.
"What now? Hey.. I have a guy."She said to changed to mood in the air.
"You have a boyfriend already?shit?" He cursed. Wow.
"Haha yeah, for three years and counting." She proudly said.
"But way back, do you-?"
" Yes, and i don't have a boyfriend during that time."she answered,truthfully.
"Fck!, i am not that lucky." He said.
"It's okay you're happily married now?" All she said. It came like a question.
"Well, I'm married but not happy. Anyway lets not tackle that subject anymore. Thanks Dara" He said while laughing. Cutting his own sentence.
"For what?" She asked curiously.
"Just thanks." He laughed.
"Alright, welcome. Goodnight sir Jiyong." She spoke in hyper tone, but feeling sleepy already.
"Goodnight mam." He chuckled.

Hey guys, that was just a start. Don't go yet, story will likely to get more interesting. Thanks.

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