Chapter 2

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Finalmente. I was finally at the end of my street. I was bored of walking around aimlessly and having people stare at my bloody, wet and mostly naked body.

I was about to knock on my front door - I'd lost my keys sometime during the night I don't remember - when it was opened for me.

"Thanks Mrs E. Please ask him to call me when he-"

"OH MY GOD, ALFIE!" Skull interrupted Tony as they both stared at me in shock.

"... Hey guys."

"Alfie! Che è successo?" (Alfie! What happened?) Skull began to speak in Spanish. Due to my childhood, I could speak many languages and Tony understood it all because he had a photographic memory but originally learnt the languages to keep up with my cursing in Italian when I did something stupid.

"Si, Alfie... Che è successo?" (Yeah Alfie... What happened?) Tony smirked.

I sighed. Then I realized I couldn't tell Skull everything; she'd kill me. "Errr... Mi sono svegliato in una camera d'albergo, è andato per un nuota, è caduto e ha aperto i miei tagli!" (I woke up in a hotel room, went for a swim, fell over and opened my cuts!)

"Oh Alfie! Lei è tale disordine! Entrare e pulirsi su!" (Oh Alfie! You're such a mess! Come in and clean yourself up!) Skull told me and let me in.

I walked in and went straight to my room with Tony following close behind me.

"Okay. Skull bought it. So what really happened?" He asked me.

"Okay. Right. Well. I... Errr, IwokeupinNoelleShaw'sroominskinnyjeanswiththisringonmyfingerandoneonherswhichmust



andranhomeaftergettinglostalot." I rushed. "Phew! It feels so much better no-"

"You WHAT?!"

"I woke up wearing skinny jeans?" I tried.


"I fell out a window?" I tried again.


"I went swimming without you?" Three strikes; I'm out.


"Shut up Tony! You can't let the others hear you!" I whisper-yelled with a hand over his mouth.

"Mna. Yroue skrewced!" (Man. You're screwed!)

"I know! You don't need to tell me!"

"Nw tge royu hdna fof me mtohu!" (Now get your hand off my mouth!)

I moved my hand. "Okay, sorry."

"I can't believe this. Maya's gonna have a field day!" He smirked.

"Oh no. Don't you DARE, tell Maya! She'll kill me, then laugh at me, then bring me back just to kill me again!" I panicked. "Please don't tell her!" I got down on my knees and begged.

"Too late. I texted her when you were covering my mouth with your dirty hands. She'll be here any second so you should clean up your cuts."

"Nah. Since she's already coming over she might as well get rid of the glass in all my gashes." I lay down my bed only to wince when the glass in my back was badly positioned.

"You got married! Then you jumped out a window before Nel could kill you! That's horrible, Alfie!" Maya announced as she stormed in with Nel, Nel's sister and some guy close behind.

I quickly sat up and stared at my audience.

"Alfie, are you okay?"

I quickly looked at Nel in confusion as I didn't understand why she would be asking. "Erm, yes?"

She rolled her eyes. "You fell out my window! Don't you, at least, have a scratch?"

"Ooh yeah. That reminds. Maya? Can you remove all the glass and change yesterdays bandages?"

"Glass? Yes. Bandages? No. If Tony can change his own then so can you." She said.

"Firstly, this is me we're talking about. The same person who killed your cat with a piece of paper. Secondly, I'm almost absolutely sure you at least removed his bandages last night." That last comment earned me slap in the back of my head from Maya, a punch in my ribs from Tony, a smile on Nel's face and laughs from the two strangers in my room. Speaking of... "Who are you two?" I pointed at them.

"Alfie! That's so rude!" Maya scolded me for my bluntness.

"It's cool!" The guy said. "I'm Rafael and this is my girlfriend Nevra. But I go by Raf and she goes by Nev." Raf said.

Nev quickly added before I could say anything. "But you can call me Nevra because you married my seventeen-year-old sister whilst you were drunk without a SECOND THOUGHT!!!" She finished with a scream.

"Hmm. Yes. As good as your point is could you please not scream that I'm married with my parents just down stairs?" I demanded politely.

"Skull went out and you know no one else is here. Now apologize!" Maya scolded again.

"I'm sorry." I murmured. "Now can you please fix me?" I begged Maya. "I have to go and meet Ross at the police station in," I looked at the clock. "In half an hour."

"Why do you need to talk with police?" Raf asked.

"There was an accident and now we have to talk."

"About what?"

"Just need to tell them my side and give them my details for monitoring." I then turned towards the bathroom when I was, once again, stopped.

"What are we going to do?" Nel asked.

"Simple." I said whilst grabbing the firstaid kits in my room. "We don't tell anyone and when you turn eighteen, we'll divorce. Simple." I repeated to myself.

"Okay then. Here." She passed something to me. "You said it cost a lot." She opened her fist to the crystal-filled ring. I pushed it back towards her then grabbed Maya and moved toward the bathroom with the firstaid kit in my other hand.

"You can keep it. We're still married so it's yours. And even when we divorce you can have it. I gave it to you so it's yours. It was probably Zane's money anyway."

"Y'know. That was really sweet until that last sentence." Maya said and then pushed me into my bathroom to fix me up.

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