"Sapphire." Cadence called out to his fiance as she slept. Sapphire aroused from her sleep, opened her weary eyes and stared up at Cadence. "It's time to get up now." Sapphire groaned and turned to look at the clock, 5:00 in the morning.
"Why did you wake me so early?" She groaned as she climbed from the bed, throwing the sheets off of her warm body. Even when she had just awoken, she looked as if she had been awake all day. Her dark brown hair spilled across her back like a sea of milk chocolate. Her bright sapphire blue eyes shined brightly, Cadence hadn't been able to recall anyone having as beautiful eyes as she did. Her beautiful skin had a light tan and she seemed to be so graceful in her posture as she arose from the bed.
"Well the drive to the airport is eight hours, and I wanted to make sure my beautiful soon-to-be-wife got to see the beautiful oceans and beaches before we had to board the plane." He smiled brightly at his fiance, his green eyes lightening up his spirits as well as Sapphire's.
"That's very thoughtful of you baby." Sapphire looked thrilled. "Thank you." He nodded and left the room after landing a breath taking kiss on her lips. Sapphire walked to her closet and flicked the lights on. On the rack hung an unfamiliar dress and she reached out and took it in her hands. It was beautiful. A bright blue with a high low sort of design. A note was pinned to the top of it and she pinched it between her fingers and read it.
" I do hope you fancy the dress, Estrella. "
~ Your Forgotten
Sapphire inhaled quickly and looked around the room, fear prickling her stomach. Her gaze returned to the fine dress and her chest constricted making it hard to breath. Whoever had planted the dress in her closet was not here anymore; but the fear struck again at the horrible truth. They knew her name. There was a strange pulling at her mind, as if there were a memory she had long forgotten, one lost and begging to be remembered. She had a strange impulse to wear the dress, in fear if she didn't something bad would befall her. After moments of strong silence and debating she quickly stepped into the dress. It hugged her body nicely, it wasn't too loose or too tight. Perfect was the only word she could come up with for it. She smiled and looked in the mirror that hung from the back of the closet door. The dress went down to her mid thigh and was strapless, the only type of dress she really wore. No bra was needed for the top of the dress was her size and her breasts fit nicely into it.
Instead of high heels, she chose a small pair of matching blue flats. Her hair looked nice as it was, yet she threw it up in a messy bun, applied mascara, cat eyeliner, then proceeded from the bedroom to the kitchen downstairs. Cadence looked up at the top of the stairs with a big grin on his face as Sapphire made her way down. "You look beautiful, I've never seen that dress before, when'd you get it?" He asked as he embraced her gently. Sapphire froze and took a deep breath as she stared hungrily at the food on the counter. Cadence backed away a step and motioned towards the food and laughed. "Hungry?" She nodded and exhaled, not realizing she was holding it, glad she didn't have to answer the question.
Sapphire walked into the kitchen tensely. " Just a little bit." Cadence held his stomach as he laughed at her sarcasm. She was twenty-two and she still had the personality of a child. As Sapphire nibbled at her toast she thought about the wedding. They were going to Mexico to get married on the warm beaches. She sighed, It had to be the most perfect wedding ever.
Sapphire observed Cadence as he put the dirty dishes in the sink. How did I get so damn lucky to find a man like him? Sapphire thought as she noticed the dimples in his cheeks reveal themselves. Cadence disappeared from the kitchen and returned with their bags, packed and ready to go. "Are you ready to say hello to the future my love?" Cadence had always had his way with words towards her.
Sapphire jumped up and almost dashed out the front door with the keys in her hand, the strange dress encounter forgotten. As she passed Cadence she snatched his hand in hers and tugged him out the door; it closed with a slam. Ms. Henry sat on her porch swing, the wind blowing her white hair as she she rocked back and forth, her mug of coffee in her hands. A small smile was planted on her apple like lips, she was so frail looking yet her round face still held the beauty of her younger age. Sapphire rose a hand in greetings to her elderly neighbor and Ms. Henry did the same in return, her teeth showing as she smiled.
"You two have a wonderful time!" She called out just before they climbed into the car.
"We will, thank you Ms. Henry." Cadence replied with a charming smile that leaked its way into his eyes.
"Oh Cadence didn't I tell you to call me Rosa, Mr.?" She chuckled with an amused expression on her face. Her eyes found Sapphires and her expression went serious.
Cadence smiled brightly and rolled his eyes, "I was taught to address my elders properly M-" Rosa gave him a sly look and he paused mid sentence. "I mean Rosa." She chuckled once more.
"Well you two better get going, and Sapphire?" She responded by poking her head out the car door and stared eagerly at Rosa like a child awaiting a piece of candy to their mouths.
"Yes, Rosa?" Rosa smiled and motioned for her to come to her. Sapphire jumped from the car with a giddy emotion and she bounded up the stairs and she stood on Rosa's porch.
"Always know that no matter what road you end up stumbling down, bad or good, he will be there." Sapphire looked over at Cadence but Rosa shook her head. "He" She said pointing towards Cadence, "will not be the one to save you, angel, no matter what situation you are trapped in." Rosa clenched Sapphires wrist now and she had a serious expression on her face, her eyes were very cold. So cold that it made a shiver run down Sapphire's spine. She ripped her hand from Rosa's grasp and raced back to the car with a terrified feeling in the pit of her stomach. What did she mean by that?! Her heart raced and her breathing became heavy as she fell onto the seat of the car; the door closing right behind her.
"Babe?" Cadence asked. Sapphire shivered as she closed her eyes in fear.
"Drive." Was all she said and Cadence knew not to push the subject any further. Sapphire looked in the side mirror to see Rosa mouthing something before fading away quickly as Cadence threw the car into gear and sped away, his hands firmly set around the steering wheel. Sapphire froze when she found the word the woman had mouthed.
Sapphire closed her eyes and she asked her self over and over. Was that some kind of warning? Am I in danger? Sapphire began to drift off into sleep as the car rolled over the highway. Only time will tell how my life unravels, and I'm not going to let her words bother me any longer. Welcome, to my new future.

To Trap An Angel
FantasíaSapphire seems like a normal twenty-two year old girl with big wedding plans in her mind for her marriage with Cadence Hiltman. But on departure she recieves a strange warning from her neighbor that leaves her unsettled. While on the flight to Mexic...