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It was around eight o' clock when we finally made our way to my dad's favorite waiting spot, inbetween two of the hundreds of trees that lined the side of one of the backroads of the city, and a chain-linked fence lining the other. I honestly don't think he could've picked a more vapid,eventless backroad to hide on, but he's the cop, so I guess he knows best.

"Patience is the key." He informed me, his chapped lips pushed together as his eyes scanned as much of the road as the trees around us would allow him. I grabbed one of his extra clipboards as something to entertain myself, only for him to snatch it away from me. "Don't, I might need that."

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do?" I asked, an agitated tone coming to my voice. "Is this what you call a reward?"

I had gone on these types of trips before, but they were usually on the busy streets or alleys, so a new arrest was always lingering around somewhere in the shadows, or right in the open. However, tonight my dad's waiting specifically for speeders, unless we're waiting on an abandoned road for an abrupt murder to happen on the lapidarian asphalt. I looked back to my dad, who vextatiously rolled his eyes and flickered the headlights off and on several times, trying so desperately to annoy me.

I kept my eyes focused on the flashing light show my dad's headlights was performing, until his weren't the only one's sheeting our surroundings. Looking down the pitch black street, I saw two headlights moving rather quickly in our direction, and in a jagged line aswell, so you knew the person driving the car was either acting foolish, or under the influence. I watched as my dad rubbed his hands together in preparation, letting out a few chuckles before turning the keys in the ignition.

The vehicle hurtled past us within seconds, acting as indication for my dad to flip his sirens on. I squinted my eyes at the ear piercing noise as he pulled out from his beloved hiding spot that obviously worked. The person was undoubtedly intoxicated, the swirves into each of the opposite lanes, and the sudden brake checks acting only as small hints of my asumption.

You could tell it was a guy driving infront of us, not only because of the masculinity of the car he was driving, but also by the figure you could see through the fairly-well tinted windows. His hair was messed up, and you could always tell when he looked back at us, because you could catch just a glimpse of the bridge of his nose as a result of him turning his head. Finally, he slowed his rapidity and pulled to the side of the road, my dad parking behind him quickly, rushing to the driver's window.

"Step out of the vehicle." My dad stated harshly, yet the door didn't budge. My dad pulled on the door handle, but it was locked. My dad kicked on the door before stating again, not as professional as before, "Get out of the car before I put you under arrest for resisting an officer."

I watched through the glass as the boy got out of the car, slamming the door aggresively behind him. He stumbled over his steps a bit, his eyelids drooping over his intoxicated eyes. My dad turned him around before shoving him against the car window.

"Easy, jack ass." The boy said, causing my dad to grab the handcuffs hanging off of his belt, which were tangled with the several other pairs that were pointlessly hanging on there as well, and force them onto the boy's wrists, taking out his flashlight to look in the blonde's eyes in the few seconds there were before he closed his eyes from the bright beam of light.

"What have you been doing tonight?" My dad questioned, taking out his slow-rusting clipboard of blank arrest reports. The boy shrugged, letting his head fall back before lifting it back up.

"I don't answer to strangers." He snapped. The kid was such a smart ass, and to my surprise, I was actually enjoying the scene. My dad shook his head and pulled him to the middle of the street, standing him on the yellow lines that seperated the lanes, ordering him instructions.

"Walk the line without stepping off it it." He demanded.

The boy laughed and nodded, looking at the fog covered trees before looking down at his feet, making it a couple of steps on the line before stumbling off it, allowing some curse words escape his lips as he stepped back on the line. A smirk spread across my dad's face while grabbing the material of the boy's shirt, pulling him to the side of the car, opening the door and moving some of the random objects that had been laying in the seat to make room the his new arrest.

I watched as my dad heaved the influenced boy into the backseat. His blood shot, piercing blue eyes burned into mine through the reflection of the rearview mirror as he settled himself into the leather seat, an inticing smirk spreading across his lips. His blonde hair was matted against his forehead, his sweat acting as its own adhesive. I shifted my eyes quickly to my dad scribbling some messy writing onto the report sheet outside, wanting him to get back into the car as quickly as he possibly could.

I've been told ever since I've started riding along with my dad, to ignore the criminal, no matter how arrogant they are, or how tempting it is, ignore. I heard his weight shift in the seat, before feeling his breath on my skin.

"You're a pretty one, aren't you sweetheart?" He whispered, the drunken words so effortlessly falling off of his lips, causing chills to run up my spine at the sound of his cracked voice. His breath wrenched of alcohol, and his rugged lips trailed across my neck swiftly as he leaned back into the seat again. I crossed my arms across my chest and squeezed my eyes shut, reminding myself again-


Even though I've always been taught to do so, this boy is making my mind counteract the thought.

x x x x x || A/N || x x x x x

Yes, the little shit has made his way into the story. What do you think's gonna happen? Any guesses? What do you think of Niall? I hope you guys enjoyed! Updates are frequent, so I'll update real soon! Vote & Comment! xoxo

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