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“Why can’t you just tell me what he did?” I asked my mom as she paced the office, chewing her lip and shaking her head.

 “I don’t want there to be any social contact with one another, understood?” She replied.

 “Tell me what happened.”

 She shot me a glare before looking back at the concrete floors her shoes were making quick contact with. Shaking her head, she finally responded. “He got into a fight.”

 “Way to state the obvious mom, what happened in the fight?”

 “You know what Alyssa?” She barked, her tone getting more aggressive and harsh. “I don’t have to tell you shit. What happened was betwe-“

 “Was between who? Niall and Dad? Niall and Dylan? Mom, he didn’t fight with anyone related or close to us, so why does it matter if you tell me or not?” I argued. “He only fought with another orange suit, that’s it.”

 “The fight was about you Alyssa! Are you settled now? Are you happy?”

 She changed her direction of pace to the chair she had once sat in to observe the brochures. Her hair was frizzing up, and there were deep, dark bags forming under her eyes from lack of sleep. I looked to Dylan, who slowly made his way over to my lap for comfort, dropping his toys that were once in his grasp.

 “It was?”

 “From what he said, one of his inmates were talking about how they saw you at the courts, talking to river boy through the fence.”

 “What were they saying?”

 Dylan’s small hands eventually started playing with my fingers out of boredom, making them jump over each other, fight each other, anything to entertain himself. I smiled down at him, almost forgetting the conversation until my mom continued.

 “They were talking about how you were a joke, and how they thought you were just trying to get with Niall to just create more charges against him.”

 “That can’t be it.”

 “Oh no there’s more.” She said. “One of the other inmates supposedly talked about how he wanted to, well it’s kind of graphic. He said he wanted to do things to you sexually; in it's original words, ‘fuck you in the ass’.

 “So he protected me.”

 “All he did was hurt himself. You don’t need protecting, those metal bars they stand behind do enough of that.”

 She couldn’t even take into realization that he protected me. He could have sat there and let them talk all the shit they wanted, but he didn’t. He didn’t let them. He basically risked his own life, to stop people from saying nasty things about me, or maybe even doing what they talked about to me. She’s being so arrogant right now, it’s driving me mad.

 “How’s the other guy?” I asked, kind of afraid of the answer. She chuckled under her breath slightly, fiddling her thumbs between each other.”

 “Well, he’s got two missing teeth, a broken rib with two others fractured. He’s got a busted lip, bruises all over the side of his head and chest, and a slight concussion due to the continual beating of his head against the concrete and metal posts of the bed.” She gave me an evil smirk before continuing. “I told you he’s not as nice as I told you he was.”

 “Can you just st-“

 We were interrupted by the door being opened abruptly. Niall’s hands were in a tight grasp in my dad’s behind his back as he was led to the chair that sat beside my dad’s desk. Landon stood behind him, giving me a quick glace before returning his focus to his job.

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