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Dylan gripped my hand tight as he hopped behind my mom over the cracks on the sidewalk of one of the many campuses we've visited today. With each hop, he reached for the back of my mom's cardigain that hung slightly over her waist line, each reach just inches away from his desired target. Every couple of times he tried, I'd tap his hand lightly, trying to show him that it was bad, however he'd just give me 'the eye' and keep trying, so I eventually gave up and let him do what he wanted.

"University of California, sounds catchy, doesn't it?" My mom asked as she pointed to the blue and yellow painted letters upon the billboard infront of the school, and also advertised into the sidewalks, as if we didn't know what college we were at. 

"Is this where sissy is gonna go?" Dylan asked, finally reaching the targeted cardigan and tugging on it some to pull her attention towards himself. My mom kind of did one of those slow nod, shrug gestures, looking at the brochure.

"Maybe, if this is the one she finally picks in the end."

"You mean the one you're going to end up pressuring me into picking" I argued in my head. I would have said it out loud, but that would have started a dramatic, nonessential scene in the middle of an honestly too-quiet-for-comfort campus. She's always been like that. We always tease her and say that she should have been in drama class or something relatively similar at school. She always wants the spot light on her, at all times. 

She's pushed me, and pushed me to go to college. Who says that's what I want? Who says I don't want to work as a Walmart Greeter? Who says I don't want to be a garbage man? I've heard those people make loads of money. Who says I don't want to work as a deodorant tester. I don't know about you, but smelling retired old men's sweaty armpits, covered lightly in 'Dove' or 'Teen Spirit' deodorant doesn't sound that bad. 

I crossed my arms as we kept making progress down the sidewalk, and a blonde bystander caught my eye. He was tall, like Niall, except he had a bit more meat on him than Niall did. His hair however was blonde and stick straight against the fairness of the skin on his forehead. He was looking down at the same brochure that my mom held possesion of, so my guess is that he's my age, and new to the campus as well. 

Everything I see reminds me of him. If I see orange, I think of the hideous outfit that he was unfortunately gifted. If I see blue, it reminds me of his eyes, which have light emerald splotches near the pupil. When I see blonde, it reminds me of his light hair that always manages to get glued to his forehead right above his brow. The last time him and I talked that night on the phone was probably a week or two ago, and my suspenstion from entering the institution fortunately expires early next month. I think I'm having withdraws from him or something.

"Look Lyssa, a bear!" Dylan screeched, jolting his little legs as fast as he could towards the giant sculpture, which was infact, a bear. The tall figure towered over my brothers small body as he latched onto as much of its leg as he possibly could, the difference being an obstacle to his small arms, preventing him from being able to fully hug and hold the object. 

It seemed as if in sync with my brothers action, my mom immediately drew her phone from her back pocket. It took her a minute of looking over her home screen on her smartphone before finally finding the photo icon. With that, she took probablu ten pictures before ordering my brother to make 'silly faces'. He stuck his pink, plump tongue out of his small lips, and crossed his golden-streaked eyes to the bridge of his nose, making different gestures with his hands, causing a smile to emerge on my lips. 

After a couple more captured moments my mom's phone took grasp of, we made our way past the sculpture and to the headquarters of the campus, which held the main office, and more important rooms and people that I had no clue existed. Before we reached the doors, my mom placed her grasped her hand around the back of Dylan's neck to keep him still, before looking in my eyes. 

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