Mahou Shoujo Alice Chapter 4

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I looked Around to see a dark and eerie alley way. How did I get here I wonder as I walk around, my boots clacking on the hard pavement. I suddenly hear something behind me, I turn around to see nothing there. A shivering sensation flows through my already freezing body as my heart beats faster. "Who is there?!" I shout stuck standing still to frightened to move, a cold soaking hand pulls me back into a warm person's body, one of their hands over my mouth; they must have figured I would scream. I struggle in the arms of this mystery person,I could tell it was a man by the way he was built. "It's me" a familiar voice whispers in my ear "so stop struggling", I suddenly shiver and lean back into the man now knowing who he was. I started crying frightened now "I am sorry! I am so sorry I didn't mean to run from you..." I manage to cry out as I turn around and hug him tight, we were both soaked at this point. "shh it's fine" he whispers stroking my soaked hair "as long as you are safe, that is all that matters, lets get home before we both catch a cold" I merely nod as he picks me up holding me in his arms, bridal style, holding me close to his warm chest "hold on" he says as I wrap my arms round his neck. he had a serious look upon his gentle face, I could tell he was under stress. He jumped over many houses rooftops as we got closer to his apartment, or should I say our apartment. I didn't feel very well physically and mentally, as if something has given me a power of some sort...

when we were inside he went to get some spare clothes for me as I went into the small bathroom and stood in the shower, I leant against the wall and looked at my arm. It was then when I noticed a mark of a clover with angel like wings. I looked up as Renu came in with my spare clothes, I hid my arm and smiled through the blue shower curtain "Thank you..." I could not see him but from what I could hear I sensed he was smiling as if he were to be relieved "it's ok" he said "knock on my door when you are done" and with that he left and shut the door. I showered quickly still investigating my arm, got out the shower and dressed in the blue pj's Renu had given me. Hiding my arm in the delicate sleeve I knocked on Renu's door "Renu I am finished in the shower, feel free to use it goodnight" I say in a tired tone. I walk back to my room, shut the door and lie on my best staring at the ceiling. I manage to fall asleep.

It was around the time when all dark creatures come out to play, so past midnight when I woke up to a weird looking man floating over me, I opened my eyes wide too frightened to scream. I just lay there staring at the bright blue eyes glaring right into my soul. After about a minute the man speaks, his deep voice penetrating my heart making it beat faster "You have the mark of the angel of luck don't you?" he asks looking down at my arm noticing the mark. I hide my arm and nod still frightened "w-what does it mean?" I managed to find my voice "who are you, how did you get in here?" I sit up to face him, he spoke gently "My name is Ace, I have come to explain what that mark on your arm means" he points to the clover with angel wings mark on my arm, I nod suspicious and yet still frightened. what will this I a magical girl? 

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