Twilight Guirdians

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Ok, so in this story al charecters belong to stephanie meyer and Richelle mead. I am gping to change a few things about some of the caherecrers, so whethter you like it or not some things about them will be different

Rose POV

I am in my room packing my bag when Dimitri walks in."Rose. What are you doing?" He asks concerned, "Did Lissa not tell you?"He shakes his head

"We have to leave. The Moroi aren't... responding well with Lissa being Queen. They've sent us somewhere safe until it all calms down.""Where are you going?"

"Washington. Forks Washington"He heads to the door "Where are you going?""To Lissa.""Why?""Because I'm going"

He opens the door and walks off. I decide there's no stopping Dimitri so I get back to packing.We are supposed to go in 2 days. Me and Lissa will be sophomores and if, well when, Dimitri goes I don't exactly know what he will do.

I grab my bag and head out the door to go see Lissa"Hey, little vampire. Where are you going?""Ughh, not now Adrian." I continue to walk to Lissa's room.

"Oh come on, where you going," I can smell the alchahol on his breath when he steps in front of me. "None of your concern," I say while shoving him out of my way.

He heads back to his room. I get to Lissa room and hear arguing. " I am going, I am one of your guirdians and I'm going."

"No you are not Dimitri. It's only supposed to be me and Rose. To make it look like we ran off again. If you come in will look more conspicuous." "I don't care I'm not letting you or Rose go without me!" At this point I walk in.

"Hey," I say acting like I didn't hear anything. "We know you heard Rose, so stop acting like that."Damn it."Lissa, we really need Dimitri, we don't know how many strigoi are there and while i am one great gurdian I don't wanna bite off more than I can chew. I just want to keep you safe."

"Fine Rose, he can come. But there is a  change of plan. We are leaving now.""What, why I tho-"

"I know what you thought but things have escalated. And quickly. They want me gone as soon as possible." I nod my head "Well then let's get going" 

      I say grabbing mine and Lissa's bag. We head out the door "Oh wait. Rose, do you have the ring."


"Ok, the necklace?"


"Oh an-"

"Lissa I have it all." I say reassuringly.

Since we meet Mark and Oksana Lissa has learned alot.She still hasn't quite gotten dream walking but she is still working on it.She has learned to enchant silver objects. We are working on her healing the darkness out of me.

Whenever we go outside the school boundaries the ghost come. She has enchanted tons of silver things to help though.

Let's hope for the best. We walk out to the courtyard and jump in the car. We head to the airport, all of us staying quiet. When we get there we get on the plane and take our seats. Lissa is by Christian and I'm by Dimitri. Lissa and Christian are right in front of us.

"What will we do once we get their. I mean, we have nothing. No food, no home. Nothing. And how long will we have to stay. What are we gonna do" I say talking to Dimitri.

"I'm sure they have it all figured out at court. Why don't you just sleep?"
I nod my head, feeling pretty sleepy. After awhile I fall asleep leaning on Dimitri.

"Rose. Rosa. Wake up. Rosa, we're here!" Dimitri says waking me up.

I wake up and look out the window.

"Wow, it's not very sunny," I say as we land. It's all rainy and dark.

I guess that's why they picked it. When we land I get up to go get our bags.

"Well, welcome to the shadiest place on earth, Forks," says Christian

"We look around to see if someone is waiting for us. I see Sydney holding a sign saying Hathaway. We walk to her.
"You ready to see you new home" she says jokingly.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I say walking with her.

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