Chapter 10

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Dimitri sat down and pulled me into his lap. I smile and start playing with the ring on my finger. Wait. What ring. I look down and see the engagement ring.

I show Dimitri the pictures.

"We forgot," he whispers

"Forgot what?" Esme asks.

"Before all of this, Dimitri proposed and with all that has gone on we forgot."

Jasper gets up and walks out. I jump up and run after him.

"Jasper" I whisper, knowing he can hear me. He is sitting on a log in the woods.

"Jasper I'm so sorry. I forgot. I-i. I'm sorry" I say sitting down beside him. I can feel his hurt. If I could cry I would be.

" I-i-i love you Rose. I know I don't need to but I do. For the first time in forever, I feel alive. And that's when you are around. I love you." He says looking at me.

      I could here a voice inside my head whimpering. There was this pressure in my head that was trying to get out. I kept trying to push it away but I couldnt take it anymore.

I let it out and the I black out.

         JAPSER'S POV

Roses eyes turn black after a little while. She looks at me and and jumps on me, tackling me to the ground. "Mine" she whispers, putting her head on my chest.

'Mate!' Major says.

He keeps trying to push out of his cage.

'Stop it!' I yell at him.

'Mate!' He yells again. Then it dawns on me. It not Alice, it's her. It's always been here. That's why Major never acted like this.

"Mine" Rose whispers again. Why is she acting like this. She was just talking about being engaged and now- it not her. She has someone like I have major.

      " Rose?" She doesn't answer " Rose?" I ask again "Mine" I say and  she looks up at me and smiles. " mine" she whispers. " What's your name?" I ask "major" she says.

     Is it the same? 'MATE!' Major screams in my head again. He breaks out and takes over.


   "Mine?" I ask. She nod her head " Mine" she said cuddling into me. I wrap my arms around her and just lay there. She looks so peaceful. Almost like she's sleeping

     "ROSE!" I hear someone yell. " Rose, where are you!"I hear again. "ROSE!" I hear Edward this time. I can hear him getting closer. I pull mate closer, wrapping my arms around her tighter.

     She opens her eyes and look up at me and smiles. " I love mine" she says. " I love you too" I say smiling down at her " ROS-" Edward start and then see us. " What the?" He steps closer. " Rose? Jasper?" He keeps getting closer

    I growl at him, making him back off. " Rose, come on" he says trying get her " MINE!" I growl at him. He jumps back

      " Come on, everyone is worried." That's when jasper fights his way back, putting me back in my cage.


     I fight my way back, taking control again. My eyes turn back to the golden color and Edward look at me realizing what happened.

      " What's going on" he ask. " Mine" Rose whispers again putting her arms around my neck, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck.

        " Mine?" Edward asks " Shes my mate." I says smiling down at her " umm, no shes not. Alice is." He says confused. Rose looks at him and growls " MINE" she yells at him


     My mate. Mine. Mine. My mate I could hear in jasper head. But it's not him saying it. It's Major. I look at Rose cuddled into Jaspers, whispering mine over and over.

     I don't know why, but they are mayes. There is no doubting it. But why?


      I fight my way back from the blackness and finally I open my eyes. I'm cuddle into jasper and he's smiling, staring down at me.

    They are mates their is now doubting that I hear Edward say  mine. My mate. Mine. Mine. Mate? I hear jasper. What? What does that mean.

      I guess jasper felt my confusion. " Your my mate." He says " I'm your what?" "My mate. It's like, we are meant to be together. Edward and bella, Emmet and Rosalie, Esme and Carlisle, they are all mates. I though me and Alice where but, it's not. It you and me"

       " So that's what the pull was, and why it didn't feel right when I kissed Dimitri" I see the pain through his eyes when I said that " yes. I love you Rose" he says

    " I-i love you to Jasper." I said I say. He leans down and kisses me. I felt sparks and electricity go through me. " ROS-" I hear dimitri yell, but then he stops. He see me and Jasper.

     I can fell the pain and hurt go through him. He looks at me and shakes his head, turning around and running off. " DIMITRI! DIMITRI COME BACK!" I scream.

     I fall down and start to dry sob, but before I hit the ground jasper grabs me and pulls me into a hug. I throw my arms around him and start to sob. He pucks me up and I feel the wind, him running.

    We get back to the house and I hear everyone swarm us asking what's wrong, what happened. Edward explained it to them.

     Alice ran off and everyone else just sat their. I sobbed into Jaspers shoulder for what seemed like hours until I finally stopped.

    " Rose, why?" Lissa asked " I don't know Lissa. All I know is before I loved Dimitri but the moment I saw jasper, it all changed. I love him Lissa. But there's a part of me that love Dimitri to. Just Jasper more" I say

        She nods and hugs me " it's gonna be ok" she whispers.


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