Chapter 14

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     I felt sick as Rosalie was talking. I ran to the bathroom and started gagging. I felt like I was gonna throw up but there was nothing to throw up.

    Jasper ran in the " Rose, Rose, baby what's wrong?" He asks, leaning down by me. Carlisle come in and ask what was wrong.

      Jasper told him. When I got done, carlisle brought me up to their medical room. When I was there, he got out a giant machine. " Why do you have an ultrasound machine ou?" Jasper asks

    " I wanna check something." Carlisle said. He walked up to me and pulled my shirt up over my stomach. Jasper was growling and his emotions where haywire.

     I grab his hand and squeeze it. Carlisle gets a little wand like thing and placed it over my stomach.

    He moved it around and gasped. " Carlisle, what's wrong. CARLISLE!" Jasper yells. " Rose, Rose is pregnant." He said. I felt myself get a little woosie. The next thing I knew, I fell into blackness.

      "ROSE!ROSE WAKE UP!" I could hear Jas yelling. "Rose! Please, baby, please wake up" I could her him sobbing. I tried to wake up but it was hard. I was about to when Major got out of her cage.

     Major Rose POV

      I'm finally able to get out and get to Jas. I look around and see him. His head is hanging, he doesn't see me. I jump on him "Mine!" I yell, happy.

       " ROSE!" He yelled, hugging me. Well, jee. Can't even recognize it me. I get up and turn around. "Rose?"  He ask, the worry in his voice. I turn around and glare at him

     His eyes turn back and he jumps on me "Mate!" Major screams. "Mine" I whisper in his ear as the others come rushing in.

    "ROSE! Your ok" they all said. They stepped closer and I growled. "MINE!" I yell. " Rose, calm down. It's me, Carlisle. How do you feel." He asks me, leaning down to touch me.

    " MATE MINE!" Major yelled. " Guys, come on, let's give then some alone time." Carlisle said " Bu-" " It's not really rose or jasper, it their najors" he said. They nodded and walked out.

         I put my face into Majors neck, and he nuzzle into my hair. "I love mine" I say " I love mate" Major says

  We just sat their, in each other's arms. I fell asleep.

       Roses POV

      "Rose, Rose wake up, it's tune for school" I hear Jas say. I open my eyes and see him smiling down at me. I get up and go into the closet, grabbing something to wear. I grab some jeans, black tank top, and my leather jacket. I walk out and into the bathroom. I start to change and then pull my hair back into a pony tail.

         I walk put and Jas is already ready. We head downstairs. I smell food. Why is their food?

   We get down their and i see Carlisle. " I want to test something. Rose, can you try to give us the ability to eat?" He asks. I nod and take that power and expand it to us.

    We sit down and look at the food. In puck up some bacon and eat it. It's actually really good. We all ate and it wasn't as bad as normal. We finished eating and I pulled it back.

     Jasper POV

     We got in the car and head to school. We get out and head to our lockers. We get our stuff and head to trig. We get there and it's the same boring stuff as always. We get to lunch and Rose was gonna let us eat but we said no.

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