Chapter 21

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Jasper pov

       " WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE!" I scream. " She isn't in there." Char says. Let me out! No major, not now. Not in a dang mall. Mates missing! Let me out! No!

       " Are you sure. Are you sure she wasn't in a stall" I ask. " Jasper, I'm sure. She isn't there" Char says. I get up and walk over. I go in the bathroom. I don't care if it's a girls.

       I smell her scent, but it goes out the window. I open the window and go out. I jump down and Major takes over.

    Major pov

          I run and follow her scent. It leads to an airport. I grab some  sunglasses and walk in. It goes onto the landing form. Damnit! She's gone! Who took her!

       I look at the platform and see number 135. I go to a desk " Where did flight 135 go?" " Italy, Volterra Italy" she said. The volturi! They took her! Damn it, when I get her I will rip their damn head off!!!

       " When's the next flight?!" I ask. " Uh, it's leaves in 3 hours." Damnit, it's the closest though. " Give me, ummm, 12 tickets, 1st class" I ask. He eyes widen.

      She hands me the tickets and I give her the money.

         Char and Peter show up. I hand them the tickets. They go to ask questions bit I wave them off.

  Carlisle, get to the airport now. Bring the rest.
The volturi. They took Rose
We where at the mall, and Rose went to the bathroom. Char went to get her and she wasn't htere.
Should I bring the wolves?
I don't know, probably.
Ok, we will be there a soon as possible.

     I hung up. " Jasper, what's going on?" Peter asks " The Volturi have her" I say. " What! Why!" Char yells " They probably want her for her power. I mean, Aro has always wanted Edward and Alice's power. With her, he can. And any other power he wants" I say.

       " Carlisle and the rest are coming now. They are supposed to be bringing the wolves" I say. " Mutts!" Peter yells. " Yes Peter, they will help us get Rose back" I say. He growls slightly.

       *2 and a half hours later*

        " First class for flight 135, now boarding" the intercom says. We get on the plane. Carlisle brought Sam, Jacob, Seth, and Leah.

       After several hours, we finally land. When we get off, Char rents a car. We get in, and the wolves run. We arive at the castle in Volterra.

         The wolves shift back and we walk in. Heidi is sitting at the desk. She looks at us and smiles " I believe Aro has been waiting for you" she says. She gets up and leads us to the throne room.

         When we get there, Aro is speaking to..... ALICE! What is she doing here! "Ahhhh, Cullens. What brings you to our castle" Aro says.

       " Don't play games Aro, we know you have her!" I scream. " Hmm, I don't quite know what you are talking about" he says.

        " Rose! Where is she! We know you have her!" I scream " Oh, Rose. Well, you won't be getting her back. She belongs to me. She is now part of my guard" he says.

        " NO! SHE IS NOT!" I scream. Just then, Jane walks in with Rose. She is screaming and slashing. " Rose!" I scream. I go to run to her, but I start feeling a pain shoot through me. Jane!

       " Ahhhh!" I scream, falling to the ground. " No!" Rose screams. I guess she, or bella, put a shield around me because the pain stopped. Rose teleported from Janes grasp, right beside me.

       Aro's eyes widen, and Jane scowls. " How" Aro whispers. Jane stepped forward, and Rose stepped in front of me. I went to push her behind me, but she stayed put. " Rose" I say.

        She doesn't move. " How did you do that" Aro asks. Can I tell him? Rode asks. I nod my head. " It's one of my powers" she said " one of them?" Aro says.

        " Yes, I'm a copy cat. I can copy any ones powers." I would've thought he'd known. If not, why he take her? " Alice, why didn't you tell me this" he said. Alice! Of course!

    She just shrugged her shoulders " I didn't think it mattered" she said. Aro turns back to Rose " Would you like to join my guard" he asks Rose. " Your what?" She asks.

        " My guard. My coven" he said " No. I have my family" she said. " You could be apart of the mos-" " I said no. I'm not leaving my family. I'm not leaving My Jasper" she said.

           I put my arms around her waist and pull her into me. Alice growls. She steps forward. Rose straightens up and growls back. " YOUR JASPER!" she screamed.

        " Yes mine!" She screamed back at her. " He's mine bitch!" Alice said. And with that, she attacked Rose. Rose grabbed my hand and teleported away. She let go and lifted Alice into the air with Telekinesis.

       " Put me down!" Alice screamed. " Do not touch me. Ever again!" She screamed. She slammed Alice down into the ground, cracking her skin. Alice got up and glared at Rose. She went to run forward.

       Christian shot a fireball at Alice, barely missing her head. She looks at him, scared. " Don't mess with my sister" he said. Alice want to run at him but Aro screamed " Enough! Alice! Stop it!" He said.

       Alice turned to him. " You don't tell me what to do." She said. Aro glared at her. " Bitch, I've had enough of you" Rose said. And with that, she set her aflame.

       After a minute, she was ash. " Rose, would you please consider joining my coven" Aro said. " No! I've said it 3 times now! I don't want to, and never will. Why would I want to be apart of a coven that has 2 sadistic leaders" she said. 2?

        " 2? There are 3 of us girl" Cauis spit at her. " I know. You two are sadistic. Marcus is completely fine." She said. Marcus smiles a little.

         " You will not insult us!" Cauis said, standing up. " uh, uh, uh. I'm not done yet. Marcus, do you know what truly happened to Didyme?" Rose asked. What is she on about?

       Marcuses face falls. " No, young one. I do not." " Do you happen to have something that belonged to her?" Rose asked. Marcus nodded. He took of a necklace.

       " This was hers" he said. Rose walked up to him. " May I?" She asked. He handed her the necklace. She sat it on the ground. She closer her eyes and stood over it.

        A bright light started to shine, and before you knew it, a women was in place of the necklace. " Didyme?" Marcus asks. He got up and walked to her. " Marcus!" She said.

      " How?" Aro's asked, looking scared for the first time ever, well I've ever seen. " Didyme, do you remember what happened the night you died" Rose asked. She turned and looked at Aro.

      " Yes, I remember quite well."


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