Chapter 22

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Jasper pov

         " What happened Didyme" Rose asked. " I was walking to my room one day, when someone attacked me from behind. I turned and got a glimpse of him. Well, them." She said.

        " Who?" Marcus asked. " My own brother, and Cauis" she said. What! How could he do that to his own sister! Marcus turned to Aro.

         " HOW COULD YOU! You own sister! And my mate!" He screamed. " Marc-" " NO! You killed her. And that's that. I don't care if your king. I want you dead. And whoever does it, I will be thankful" he said. Rose smirked.

       " Rose, no" I warned. She looked at me with a dead serious face. " I have to" she mouthed. She walked forward.

        " For the murder of Didyme Volturi, I sentence you to death" she said. She touched his arm and he shot up in flames.

        He turned to Aro. " For the murder of Didyme Volturi, your own sister, I sentence you to death" she did the same to him. Everyone in the guards eyes widened.

       " Thank you. I finally have the Love of my life back. And I know what truly happened" Marcus said. Rose walked up and hugged him.

      They pulled apart and Marcus walked over to Didyme. Jane was the first to do anything. " What did you just do!" She screamed at Rose.

         " I did what needed to be done" she said. " What are you talking about!?" Jane screamed.  " He was planning on killing all of you! He wanted to use me to transfer your powers to him! And then kill you!  I just saved your life!" She screamed at Jane.

       Jane stepped back. " He wouldnt" she said. Rose teleported by her and grabbed her hand. She showed her whatever she saw and when she pulled her hand back, Jane faltered. " No. He wouldn't. He wouldn't do that to us." She said

        " Yes he would Jane. I'm sorry" she said. Jane, if she was human, was about to cry. She fell, but before she hit the ground, Alec caught her.

        " Yes, it really is a better way of life" Rose said, looking at Alec. Huh? " Could we" Alec asked. " If you wanted. I'm sure Carlisle would have no problem." I walked to her.

        " What are you talking about baby" I asked. She turned to me. " Alec wanted to know if our diet was better. And if he could, and possibly Jane if she wanted, join our coven" she said.

        " I see no reason they couldnt" Carlisle said. " Would you Jane" I asked. She looked at me and then to Alec. " If my brother does, then I will to." She said. After awhile of Kane and Alec getting there things, we left.

       We took there jet to Denali. We sent the wolves back to Forks, with the exception of Jake. He is staying with Nessie. We decided we are moving back to Denali.

       We get out and all claim rooms. Dimitri came back with us because him and Jane are mates. Me and Rose went to our room.

       She layed on the bed. " I want a baby" she said. " Um, Rose. Are you sure, I mean, after last time. You don't have to. We c-" " Yes, I'm sure. We can do it Jas. Please" she said.

         " If that's what you want." I say. I went and layed down by her. By the end of the nigjt, everyone had left to go hunting.

        Withen 1 month, we had 2 children. Alyssa and Jasmine Hale. Rosalie has one boy named Roslin.  ( Prounanced ross-lin)

   This is the end, but I will be making a sequal sometime soon, thank you for all the reads!!

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