Chapter 1

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Manik-Man Cabir-Cab Dhruv-Dhr Aliya-Ali Mukti-Muk Nandini-Nan Navya-Nav Abhimanyu-Abh Aryaman- Ary Sanaya-San Nyonika-Nyo

In an apartment a girl was sleeping. Her sleep was disturbed by the sun rays which were peeping through the curtains. Lazily, she got up and went to take a shower. After some time she came out wearing black leggings and a grey sweater which had a black heart in the middle. Her silky black hair which was till her waist was left open. She went to her kitchen and made pancakes with chocolate syrup for breakfast and ate it. She took her belongings and left her house.

Girl: Aiyappa please let me successful in what i'm going to do

Yes that girl is Nandini Murthy. In a mansion a boy is sleeping on his stomach. Four people walk in and see him an evil smirk comes on ones face. He walks into the washroom and comes out with a bucket of water and SPLASH he threw it on the boy who was sleeping. Now who can disturb THE MANIK MALHOTRA'S sleep other than CABIR, the rest were Dhruv. Alya and Mukti. They were Fab 5.

Man: What the hell is this how you wake someone up

Cab: If someone like you then yes now hurry up and get ready were waiting for you downstairs

Man: Okay i'll come in 15 minutes

Manik got ready and came down, he met his friends and they left for SPACE Academy.

SPACE Academy

A BMW enters through the gates all look towards it and Fab 5 come out. The walk in whilst the girls are ogling at Manik and the boys at Mukti and Alya, they didn't give a damn and walked off.

Cab: Guys lets go canteen i'm hungry

Man: Your eating will never finish right

Cab: Never

Muk: Guys leave him lets go canteen

Cab: Mukti you are my true friend

After they left an Audi came in the students were shocked to see another branded car other than Fab 5's. From the car 3 girls and 2 boys came out. Everyone was looking at them, they ignored them and went to the principals cabin. On the other side Fab 5 reached the canteen and sat at their table and ordered food.

Muk: Today freshers will come

Cab: Yes it's going to be fun

Muk: How was everyone's night (she said teasingly looking towards DhruLiya)

Cabir realized what she is doing and joined her: Mine was good Manik how was yours

Man: Good

Muk: Dhruv Aliya how was yours

DhruLiya: Good

Cab: Nothing more

Saying this he burst out laughing with Mukti and Manik and DhruLiya blushed. Soon their food came and they finished eating it along with teasing DhruLiya. After they finished eating they went to class. When they reached the calss the professor wasn't there so they went and sat at the back bench. Soon the professor came but with 5 other people.

Prof: Good morning student today we have some new students with us they are Nandini Murthy, Navya Naveli, Sanaya Mehra, Aryaman Khanna and Abhimanyu Thakkar (he said pointing towards them) they are sparks and as its your first day i would like you to perform

Sparks: Sure

They performed on sooraj dooba hai. Everyone was impressed including Fab 5 but they didn't show it.

Prof: Looks like there's going to be a tough competition in Musicana this year (he said looking towards Fab5 but they just rolled their eyes)

Muk: Whatever it is sir no one can beat Fab 5 right guys

Fab 4: Right

Prof: We'll see about that at the right time anyways lets concentrate on the class Sparks please take a seat

They went and sat on the last bench next to Fab 5 and the class started. Like this the day ended and everyone one left for their homes. Once Nandini reached home she went to her room and changed into her night suit. She took a photo and sat on her bed she traced the picture as she spoke: I miss you... why did you leave me... you know today was my first day at college and one step closer to justice... I promise i will get you justice

As she was talking tears had come out of her eyes and down her chubby cheeks. She wiped her tears and put the photo back then had her dinner and went to bed. On the other side Fab 5 went to Manik's house for a few minutes there was silence so Cabir broke it.

Cab: What happened guys

Fab 4: What

Cab: Why are you sitting like this

Muk: Like what

Cab: Silence is it a funeral

Man: Really Cabir

Cab: What

Muk: He's right though

Ali: I agree

Man: Okay lets talk

Dhr: About what

Cab: Sparks

Muk: Why do you want to talk about them

Dhr: There not that bad

Ali: I agree

Cab: Of course Aliya you'll definitely agree

Ali: Shup up Cabir (and she threw a pillow at him)

Dhr: Don't tease her guys

Man: We'll only tease you then okay

And the trio burst out laughing. After sometime Mukti controlling her laughter spoke.

Muk: But guys on a serious note there good

Man: They might be good but no one can beat Fab 5 right

Fab 4: Right

With that they continued talking for some more time and then Fab 4 left for their respective homes.

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