Chapter 6

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The next day all woke up. Nandini made a conference call to Sparks to tell them about her meeting with Robert.

Phone conversation

Nan: Hi guys

Sparks: Hey

San: So how was your meeting with Robert

Nan: It was okay I'm going to go with him on the investigation for a few days so I'm not coming collage

Abh: Okay

Ary: So where are you going today

Nan: The place he left me (as she said this she got tears in her eyes but held them back)

Nav: Are you sure... I mean will you be okay

Nan: I have to do this for him... anyways I will talk to you guys later even you have to get ready for collage

Sparks: Bye

End of phone conversation

They ended the call and went to their destinations. On the other side Manik also got up and got ready for collage. Soon he met with Fab 5 and they left for SPACE together. Once they reached they went to their class. There they saw Sparks and joined them.

Fab 5: Hey guys

Sparks: Hi

San: How's you all

Cab: Were good you say

Ary: Were good as well

Muk: So what's the plan for today

Nav: Nothing at the moment

Muk: So lets plan something I'm so bored

Abh: But what

Aly: Let's go shopping

Boys: NO

Alya frowned whilst the other girls giggled.

Aly: But why

Cab: Because you take one hour to choose one dress

All laughed whilst Alya frowned.

San: Then what

Nav: First lets get done with class

All agreed and settled down the teacher also came and started the class so they just sat and listened. Whilst this was happening Nandini reached to an isolated place with Robert and his team. Once they reached she got off the car and walked towards the middle and then stood there. She was staring at the floor with tears in her eyes threatening to fall but she held them back as she had to complete the work she came for. Blinking back the tears she went towards Robert.

Nan: So what are we going to do now

Rob: Well lets look around and see if we can find anything and remember look at things very carefully so you don't miss anything

Nan: Hmm

All went in different directions hoping to find something. Nandini was walking along the side looking here and there to find something but to her dismay she didn't find anything so she went towards the other side. Like this an hour passed but nothing was found.

Rob: Nandini did you find anything

Nan: Nothing did you

Rob: No (he turned towards his team) did you find anything

They nodded their heads in a no. Nandini's face fell as they weren't able to find anything.

Rob: Nandini don't lose hope we will find something I'm sure... lets look around the area we might find something

Nan: Okay lets go

They went out and again went in separate directions. Back in SPACE the gang was still in class and was getting bored.

Muk: Guys I'm bored

Cab: Me too

Fab 3 and Sparks: We are too

Ary: So what shall we do

San: First of all lets get out of here

Nav: Yes

Abh: But how will we go what if the professor see's

Man: So what if he see's he won't do anything

Dhr: Are you sure buddy

Man: Yes

Aly: Then what are we waiting for lets go

They all got up and started to leave when a the professor spoke.

Pro: Where are you guys going

Man: We are going out can't you see

Pro: And why are you going out

Muk: Because we are bored... lets go guys

They started to walk out when the professor again stopped them.

Pro: Listen just sit down

Man: And if we don't

He said glaring at him. The professor realised if he didn't let them go he would have to pay the consequences which wouldn't be good. So he didn't say anything and Manik smirked.

Man: Lets go guys

They came out and stood a distance from the class.

Nav: Now what

Aly: Lets go to the terrace and talk or something

San: Yes it will be fun what say guys

Fab 4 and Sparks: Yes lets go

They were about to leave when a peon came to them.

peon: Manik sir Nyonika mam has called you in her cabin

Man: Okay you go

The peon left.

Man: Guys you all go to the terrace I'll join you in a bit

All nodded and left to the terrace whilst Manik went to meet Nyonika. Once he reached her cabin he walked in to see the one person he didn't want to see... Harshad.

Man: What is he doing here

Har: What no hello hi

Man: Shut up and tell me what are you doing here

Nyo: He's joining SPACE

Man: Then why did you call me

Nyo: That's for something else Harshad you can go (Harshad left) Manik I need you to get the papers signed

Man: And I told you I won't

Nyo: What do you want

Man: Look like I told you before I don't want anything

Nyo: Really


He started to leave when Nyonika's voice stopped him.


Man: What about him

Nyo: You and I both know that you don't get along well

Man: So... I can handle him... just tell me your point so I can leave

Nyo: So here's the deal you get the papers signed and I will make sure Harshad stays away from you and your friends

Man: Okay but that includes Sparks

Nyo: Fine

Manik left her cabin and went to the terrace. There he joined his friends they were talking and playing games. They spent the rest of the day there and then went home. On the other side Nandini reached home she was upset as they never found anything so she messaged on the group chat that she won't be available for the next few days as she wanted to fully concentrate on the investigation and be alone for sometime. She got a positive reply from her friends she knew she would as they all knew each other very well. She went to her room and sat on her bed and let the tears she was holding for long flow they flowed like a waterfall she
let all her pain out. She started to cry and just sat there crying. That night she cried herself to sleep.

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