Chapter 8

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Harry’s oddly quiet as we load my stuff in the van. He hasn’t smiled once, and I’m missing it a bit. He has a trunk with a blanket stuffed inside for June’s urn. This reassures me that he cares because he wants to keep the urn safe. He still hasn’t spoken a word when we arrive at Natalie’s house. 

“That literally took forever! What took you so long,” she says to Harry. He cringes at the volume of her voice.

“Just be glad I showed up,” he snaps. I’ve never seen this side of him. I mean, I know I’ve only known him for a few days but this is unfamiliar. He starts the van, slides in a CD from the numerous amount on the floor, and pulls out of the driveway.

No one has spoken for an hour. Harry’s changed the CD three times in an attempt to find something to fit his mood. Natalie has fallen asleep in the very back, so I take this opportunity to ask him what’s been bothering me since I met him.

“Did you and my sister date?” I say it bluntly. No hesitation. He almost drops the lit cigarette in his right hand. He recovers and pushes his curly hair out of his face with his left.

“Um, no. Why would you think that?” 

“Well, the CD I found and you’re driving to California for her and you know a lot about her. It just makes sense.” He begins shaking his head.

“No. She tutored me. I just took her out for a bit of fun and showed her there was more to life than school and looking great.” 

“Oh,” is all I say because now I feel a little foolish.

“Have you heard the CD?” 

“Yeah, I have it with me.” I bend down and pull it from my duffel. Harry switches CD’s, and the first song begins to play. He explains the significance of every song. Even adding in history of the artist. I don’t really listen. I’m more focused on the passion in his face as he explains the chord progression in each song and tells me little facts about when the song was written. He knows so much about each one. It amazes me.

Harry’s phone rings, pulling him from his lecture. He’s friendly with the person on the phone. When the conversation is over, he looks at me.

“We have somewhere to stay the night,” he says, smiling. I’m glad he’s no longer in the mood from this morning. 


“So, Niall’s at my friend Liam’s house a little across the Illinois state line. He said we could stay there.” 

I agree and fall asleep to the sound of his lecture starting up again. It takes my mind off of June, and I couldn’t appreciate him more for that. 

“Can we please put up a swing set?” June draws out the ‘please’ and dad smiles. One of my crayons rolls from the table and breaks on the floor. I frown at it.

“Sure, sweetheart,” he says while bending down to rescue my broken crayon. “You two can help build it!”

June and I exchange high-fives. Dad leaves the room with my crayon and soon returns. It’s all patched up. I hug him around the neck. 

Mom enters the kitchen. She takes dad and June’s hands. Then, the floor opens up and they’re all gone. I’m left alone, sitting at the kitchen table, coloring a picture of the family. The hole in the floor closes. 

When I wake up I’m sweaty, and it’s dark. The van is parked somewhere that I can’t recognize. I look around. Harry’s sitting in the driver’s seat looking at me with concern. 

“You kept twitching and squirming. I didn’t want to leave you here,” he says, while stepping out of the van. He must have recognized the confused look on my face. I watch him walk towards a small house. His long body is illuminated by the moon. 

I’m still a little flustered by my dream. That dream is exactly how I feel. Alone. I’m sitting in this van alone. I open the door and head towards the house. There are tall trees everywhere, sand mixed with grass beneath my feet, and the air smells fresh. I can imagine we’re near a lake. I knock on the door, and the tall man from the circle outside of the record store answers.


SORRRY FOR THE EXTREMELY LATE UPDATE! I don't like to write unless I'm feeling inspired or creative. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Btw, my twitter is @narryfornia if you didn't already know. :)

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