Knights Don't Cry

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Author's Note: Hey guys, here is the first chapter of Hero Vs Villain

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Author's Note: Hey guys, here is the first chapter of Hero Vs Villain. Thank you to kulokipresent on Tumblr for this amazing art of my main two boys!


"The world we are currently living in has dangers beyond belief. Demons and humans have been at war as long as our history has been recorded. The evil prince Vandel and his royal mother Victoria rule over the dark kingdom of the demons in the west and the Bone King sends a constant stream of monsters to our kingdom from the east. Yes, the world is dangerous but here in Alteria we are like the sun in a blackened sky...uuugh Ridley can I stop reading now? This history book is making me depressed." Princess Annette sighed heavily, tossing the heavy book to the side. She flopped onto her back staring up into the leaves of the large oak tree that stretched into the sky above us.

I shook my head quickly. "I'm sorry princess but you need to keep up with your studies."

She let out a little snort, running a hand through her thick brown curls. "You're not my tutor Ridley. You don't have to put up with this."

I bowed my head almost immediately. "But I am your knight princess, it's my duty to make sure no harm comes to you. It's almost haunting season when the demons act up the most, we can't risk you being alone."

Annette rolled over on her side, staring up at me through dark lashes. "It must be hard," she said suddenly. I arched a brow, confused to what she meant. She shook her head slowly, continuing to elaborate. "You must have heard about the way people talk about you Ridley. You've just been knighted and already people see you as the hero who will save us all."

I bowed my head again almost too quickly. "Your majesty you flatter me too much..."

"It must be hard having so many expectations on you and instead of achieving them you have to guard little old me instead."

I shook my head now. "Please don't worry yourself princess. My only duty is to serve the kingdom. As long as I can be of service to you and the royal family I will be happy."

She buried her face in her hands. "Uuuuugh Ridley you're too nice, you're too perfect. It's your one flaw."

"There you two are," another voice called from behind us. We turned to see Percival making his way across the field towards us. He grinned, plopping down right next to the princess.

Annette smiled at him, sitting up slowly. "Sir Percival, how nice of you to join us."

Percival glanced to the book that had been tossed carelessly to the side. "I see a lot of studying has been going on."

I nodded, trying not to let the slight frustration of how lightly Annette took her studies show in my voice. "Well I was to help her-"

Percival leaned forward suddenly, ruffling my hair. "You need to lighten up Ridley. Seriously, we're not in training anymore. You don't have to be the perfect white knight every second of the day now. You can relax."

Hero Vs Villain (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now