The Tavern

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Author's Note: Instead of fanart this week I want to share this amazing animatic done by Thefluff5 to Mother Knows Best. This animatic is incredible and fits the 'Mother Dearest' chapter so well! You guys seriously always have me in awe at how amazing and creative the fan content you create for this book are. Every piece I receive always makes my day!


I reemerged in a poof of smoke back into the cottage, causing Annette to jump back.

"Holy mother of...Ridley what the hell was that?! Where did you go? You were here one minute and then..." her eyes grew wide, drifting down to the ring that hung loosely around my neck. "Is that some kind of teleportation magic to the demon kingdom?" Her face paled slightly. "Have long have you had that...and you kept it from me...from everyone?"

My stomach twisted at the familiar prick of guilt in my chest.

Sighing deeply I hung my head. "It was given to me by the demon prince. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I promise I've only used it to speak with Vandel. I have no other association with the demon kingdom. It was necessary we be able to communicate and work together for the benefit of both our kingdoms. It was the only way we could solve issues that spanned between both the demons and the humans."

"I understand," Annette said softly. "I know you would never do anything treacherous." She took a deep breath. "It hurts that you couldn't even confide in me."

"I'm...I'm truly sorry princess. I don't know how I can ever make it up to you for lying and keeping secrets. If you feel like I should be punished I'm happy to accept anything I must do to repent. But first we need to find James Andrews. We only have a week until Stefan plans to marry Vandel."

Annette gasped. "A week?!? Really? So soon?"

I bowed my head. "I'm afraid so. Don't worry, I'll immediately go and-"

"I want to come with you."

My eyes widened in shock, thinking that I had simply misheard. "What?"

"I said I want to come with you. What kind of queen would I be if I didn't do everything in my power to stop my brother and the demon queen. I'm not letting you take this on by yourself."

"But it could be dangerous-"

"I managed to escape from the demons before, didn't I? I think I can handle this." She offered me a small smile. "Besides, if you want me to be your queen you must believe in me enough to trust my judgment, right?"

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the immense prick of worry in my gut. "Yes princess, of course I trust you."

Annette took a step beside me now, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Then let's go stop a wedding."


My heart was pounding as Ridley and I slipped into the dimly lit tavern. We both wore worn, woolen cloaks, our hoods obscuring our features.

The smell of dust lay heavy in the air and dull lanterns cast the room in flickering shadows. The people who resided here appeared to not be...well...the most law abiding citizens. They didn't even acknowledge us as we entered, all seeming completely enamored in their conversations and drink. I had never been to this part of Alteria in my life and despite myself I couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved in a place like this. Ridley seemed at ease here, making his way calmly towards the bar. I took a deep breath. I could do this. I had fought to make Ridley take me with him and I couldn't get frightened now simply because the atmosphere contrasted my lifestyle as a royal.

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