A New Plan

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"YOU RISKED YOUR LIFE TO SAVE A TOWN OF HUMANS!?! WERE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?!?" My mother's voice roared from from all around me. I flinched in the dark room, my mother had only been this angry at me once before.

I hung my head. "I'm sorry mother."

"You're lucky I was able to use my magic to erase the villager's memory that a demon assisted in the killing of the Bone Monster. What if your people had found out Vandel? What would they think of you? Their prince almost dying to save their enemy! Think of how many humans we could have had slaughtered without having to raise a finger! WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?"

"I apologize mother...I really do. I...I don't know what came over me."

"You're a demon Vandel, and a prince at that. Don't ever forget that."

"I know mother."

"And if you ever do something stupid like that again I can promise you I won't be anywhere as forgiving as I'm being now."

"Yes mother." The air fell silent for a beat and then suddenly my mother spoke again.

"Even though this whole ordeal has been...rather humiliating...I think we could use it as an opportunity."

I furrowed my brow in the darkness. "What do you mean?"

My mother's cold chuckle echoed around me. "The knight...Ridley...he trusts you now doesn't he? You saved his life." I nodded stiffly. "You should continue to get close to him Vandel. He could be a useful tool. He has important ties to the kingdom, his face has become a symbol of hope. He's also one of the only people I've ever heard of to take down a Bone Monster. There's something about that boy we need to keep an eye on. We could use him."

"Yes mother." For some reason my chest felt tight when I said that. I decided to ignore the strange feeling. I hesitated a beat. "The sword he took down the monster with...it was the same as..."

"I know Vandel."

"We need to figure out the Bone Monster thing mother. Our kingdoms have never been on good terms with the Bone King but staging an attack, even if it was on the humans, is something we should look into."

"You also weren't able to retrieve the Corisathium," my mother said sternly.

"Yeah..." I squirmed slightly. "I promise I'll find out where it is and who took it...!" That's when an idea came to me. "Mother!" I said excitedly. "I think I have a way way to take out two birds with one stone!"


I sat on the edge of Stefan's bed, flipping through one of his books. He glanced to me now, knitting his brows together.

"Ridley, it's been three weeks. I don't think you're going to find anything new in my books, you must have read them at least five or six times by now."

I shook my head quickly. "There must be something I've missed or looked over. I just need information on anything, the Corisathium or the Bone King...I need answers."

Stefan sighed, pushing his long brown hair out of his face.

"Ridley I appreciate the enthusiasm but pushing yourself this much isn't healthy. Yeah it's awful that the Corisathium went missing but you DEFEATED a bone monster! That's pretty much unheard of! You reported there was only one bottle of Corisathium, not a supply of it like we initially thought. What's the worst thing that could happen?"

My mouth straightened into a thin line.

"According to your books one bottle is all it takes for a kingdom to crumble. I need to find it." That wasn't the only answer I was desperately searching for amidst Stefan's books of science, magic and history. Something strange had happened to me when I killed the Bone Monster. When I had gone to attack it my hand had moved almost as if it had been acting on it's own. I figured it had just been adrenaline but then again...something about it had left me extremely unsettled.

"Hey, there's something I've been meaning to ask you about for awhile," Stefan said suddenly. I looked up from the book I was currently flipping through.


"How familiar are you with prince Vandel?" I nearly choked. Why was Stefan asking me about Vandel? Had word got out that I had helped him on numerous occasions? My mind was racing. What should I do...what should I say? Assisting a demon was practically treason. I looked to Stefan slowly. I hated to lie but...what else could I do? It was necessary for both our sakes. I would just punish myself for lying later.

"Uh...only a little. We met once when I was captured at the demon castle."

Stefan nodded slowly. "Yeah, Annette told me all about it. You must have been pretty scared huh?"

I shook my head slowly. "Nah, demons aren't actually that terrifying up close. They're actually...almost human."

Stefan practically burst out laughing. "Are you really the same Ridley I knew in my childhood? You hate demons. They killed your family. Last time I saw you, you were hell bent on killing every single one of them."

"I was wondering Stefan..." I said slowly, "does anyone actually know what caused the war between the humans and demons?"

Stefan shrugged. "I don't know. You would have to probably ask the demons for an explanation on that. I'm not even sure if there's a demon old enough to remember when it started. It was probably just a small turf war I imagine, and then it grew into the giant feud we have today."

I bit my lip. "If we weren't still at war the demons wouldn't have slaughtered my family..."

Stefan nodded slowly. "Yeah and your father was a famous demon killer, think of how many demon's families he tore apart."

My gaze darkened. "When my father killed it was war, he was on the battlefield with honor. The demons killed my family in cold blood in our own home like cowards. There's a difference."

"There's no need to get defensive," Stefan said cooly. "I wasn't trying to fight you on this, I was just making a point."

I lowered the book slowly. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I think I'm just tired. Maybe...maybe some rest really would do me some good."

Stefan gave me a little pat on the back. "I think you're right. Get some sleep...that's an order."


I slowly made my way to my bedroom. I tugged off my boots and jacket before I collapsed onto my bed without even bothering to shut the windows or pull the blankets over myself. My eyes fluttered shut and right as I was beginning to drift off into a much needed sleep a voice suddenly woke me with a start.

"Ridley! Ridley get your ass up!" I sat up slowly, my hair a tousled mess. My vision was a bit foggy but as everything came into focus I suddenly registered what I was seeing. There at the edge of my bed was a butt naked Vandel. He smirked at me. "Ridley I need you..." he said slowly, his pitch black eyes never leaving me, "to come with me." 

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