Vandel's Story

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Author's Note: This weeks wonderful fanart comes from @witchybunnyblood on IG

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Author's Note: This weeks wonderful fanart comes from @witchybunnyblood on IG. This picture of Ridley is absolutely gorgeous! Haha, no wonder he can easily steal Vandel's heart looking this lovely! Also, I'd like to thank everyone so much for over a million reads on this story. It means so much to me! 


We stood awkwardly in the woods where the tunnel had dumped us. I clutched the paper tightly in my hand as if it could still be snatched away from me at any moment.

Vandel had been unusually quiet since leaving Stefan's room and I couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be avoiding looking at me.

Dusk had fallen over the woods now, the gentle hum of the crickets seemed to perfectly orchestrate the purple blue sky above, the flash of the night's first fireflies beginning to peak out from the underbrush.

"Hey," I said nervously, taking a small step towards Vandel.

The demon's gaze immediately fell to his hands, as if he was determined to look anywhere but my face.

"I'm sure you have questions," he responded slowly.

"I do...I couldn't I? But, you really don't need to tell me anything if you don't want to," I mumbled. "I just...I want to make sure you're okay."

Vandel finally glanced up now, a genuine look of surprise on his face. "I..."

He looked like he was about to dismiss it so I took another step nearer. "Listen, I was standing next to you...I know how hard everything you had to do in there was for you."

Vandel let out a low breath. "I hate him," he said softly. "I hate him so fucking much. And...I just feel so fucking dirty because I let him...I let him..."

He was shivering and I wasn't sure what from. No matter the reason I found myself immediately stripping off my shirt and draping it over his shoulders.

Vandel looked to me, his expression unreadable. "You're so noble Ridley. You always are. You must have must have been disgusted by me for...for doing something like that." I went to shake my head but he continues before I even had the chance. "You're probably wondering what all that marriage shit was about, right?" He laughed dryly. "That absolute dickhead is convinced the two of us are going to get married. I ran into him at the demon palace before coming here for the feast and I couldn't figure out why the hell my mother would've consented to the match. Honestly I had just thought she was using him but..." he sighed heavily. "Now I realize the whole time he must have been planning on killing his father and framing Annette so he'd become the heir. My mother probably found out about his plan and that he had the corisathium and decided to swap out her initial scheme with Annette for...well...a crown prince who was practically begging to marry me, no kidnapping required." His head drooped, his gaze falling back to the forest floor once more. "I'm sorry," he said softly.

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