Staying for Him

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Author's Note: Thank you so much to @Braveart999 on Instagram for this beautiful art of Vandel and Ridley! They both look so gorgeous here, I love it so much!  As always, if anyone has any art they've done I'd love to see it

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Author's Note: Thank you so much to @Braveart999 on Instagram for this beautiful art of Vandel and Ridley! They both look so gorgeous here, I love it so much!  As always, if anyone has any art they've done I'd love to see it. You can always sent it my way via my Instagram @Captaincleanfreak 


Okay...well the evening had most certainly not gone the way I had expected it to.

Ridley and Percival sat in the later's room, a floor below the king's bedroom where he was currently being medicated.

They both sat there anxiously, waiting for word on his condition. I remained perched on Ridley's shoulder, watching the two of them. Percival's leg was vibrating nervously while Ridley sat dead still, staring blankly at the wall.

"How could something like this have happened?" Percival finally said, looking down at his hands.

"I don't know," Ridley replied softly. "All his taste testers are fine. The poison must have somehow been slipped into his drink later without anyone noticing which seems...impossible."

To be honest I was as surprised as the two of them. Not that I was complaining of course. I hated the human king with a vengeance, all demons did. In fact, on paper it made perfect sense that this was an attack orchestrated by demons. My mother had visited Alteria recently without my knowledge and we clearly had the motivation. On the other hand however I knew no demons were nearby, I would have been able to sense their energy. On top of that my mother would never make a move as reckless as killing the human king without proper plans in place. All in all nothing seemed to be adding up. Of course, my next thought would be that little fucker Stefan was behind this but he wasn't here, he was still in the demon kingdom. Gods my head hurt from trying to make sense of this.

"At least the king is alive," Percival said weakly. "It's a miracle the poison didn't kill him. He should be stabilized soon."

Ridley nodded stiffly. "It is...but still..." he swallowed hard. "Percival, you and I were supposed to be there to protect him. We were right next to him and were completely powerless. We let this happen."

"Don't say stuff like that Ridley," Percival protested. "Some things are out of our control."

Ridley shook his head, the action almost violent. "We're knights. Our one purpose is to protect the royal family and we failed. We're failures Percival." His voice quivered when he spoke. "We were right there and we..." He stood up suddenly. "I need to go. I need to pay for this."

Percival's eyes widened. "Ridley what the hell are you saying?"

Ridley bit his lip so hard a small bead of blood dripped from it. "It doesn't matter," he mumbled. "If you don't want to take responsibility for this happening then I'll do it for both of us." And with that he abruptly stormed to the door, much as it was possible for Ridley to 'storm' anywhere. Percival opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but immediately shut it upon seeing the expression on Ridley's face.

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